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Seducing Mr. Perfect

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1939    |    Released on: 11/07/2022


? Are you trying to bèat m

you” Karen replied

Helen replied and m

r to her and grab

help” Hele

ot anymore” Karen yelled, the manager rushed out of his office and bu

he innocent girl do to her?”

r tummy and sta

alked to separate them whe

uman did to me? She bèat me up, you need to

owner of this restaurant?”

ng to say?” Helen asks a

Helen said and rus

for what? Go back to your duty post” Collins yelled a

d to work on your anger issue, but I have been avoiding her al

minutes later and cal

sked. “She started it, I am sorry please don’t

t someone like that I just wanna warn you to

ir” Karen replied and w


closed so I can clean up before

you thinking about?” Derr

ly wish I can help you but I don’t have a dine with me, I d

e money because I know you don’t ha

I can help you,” he said an

re ûseless, my best friend can’t be ûsèlè

your pizza joint to

osing time, I pray we close ear

the pizza joint l

t I am very sure he can’t sack me because no worke

you today, you can go, I’ll clea

uth? Or you’re pulling my

ow I am serious anyti

is smile means one

d!” I shouted and

od?” Derrick as

d and pick up my

mething for you,”

th a bag and ha

go cook after work, I’ll send mum and your kid brother dinner before you

lerk to scold you,” Derrick said and I

y to buy this food from. Because he told me yes

k” I don’t even know if

ing at?” Mr. Clerk

n’t seeing double” I

d” he replied. “Ok

o deliver,” Mr. Clerk said. “

you spoilt the old one”

use the bike forever?

just 8 year

her you buy a new bike or I am not going

u care for some ice cream?” Mr. Clerk asked, his this man fûcking joking? “Yes sir!” I replied immedia

really know why everyone is treating Mr like a prince


id and push Jayden s

y skull? Why are you wasting your time and tormenting my life

ur fiance, or did you want me to call Mrs. Smit

up his bag, he glared at Luna angrily before storming out of

ven know if you’re blind to see the beauty you have,” Luna said

e and a lot of reporters were

ut on a mask, that winch cau

were taken before he

eping it a secret? Why didn’t you tell your fans about it? Some people said you don’t

and Justin came out o

way for Jayden and he

hout your mask Mr. Smith?

lady is suffocating me

you should open your heart

n’t know if I can ever

ion to Luna immediately after

in their middle an

aged to our idol last week, how

a replied showing off her

razzi asks. “I am the happiest woman on earth, t

s decide to keep it

is a very secretive

ou forced yourself on him, how

to the scene immediately. “You shouldn’t have reacted that way, th

s that Jayden Is mine,” Luna sa

dy asked and Luna brought out a m

a sigh. “Are you sure Jayden isn

he will have fallen in love with you if

e else, Jayden Is a faithful gu

y said. “A test?” Luna asked with

est all about

fiance, we are gonna pay someon

at if Jayden falls in lo

trust your fian

ssibly use a celebrity like me and

mart lady we met at J and C restau

to her?” Luna asked. “She

been thinking about

ou’re smart and calculative, that was one

have to tell my mother inlaw about it” Luna repl

ckbone” Luna replied with a

o Smith mansio

d immediately she saw Lun

“You don’t look fine, what happened to you?

you?” Mrs. Smit

o death just because I calle

o deal with him when he comes back

, but I wanna discuss some

nside,” Mrs

when I come bac

with me?” Mrs. Smith asked. “I wanna hi

ething about. You see that next, interesting, nice etc tha

ou think a

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