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The Oath of Love.

Chapter 9 A handsome suitor

Word Count: 2283    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

's my bo

th with the back of my palm then went to them. It was another monday and we all just came home fro

iced a man next to Anne. Maybe, that was

e?" I asked Anne as I poin

this is my boyfriend, Adi

We said a

et you all." He smiled

came back here? A week has passed but yo

hat's okay, I don't want to pressure her t

are both kinda busy last we

, welcome to Anne's world. I hope y

me, Blaire." Anne laughed sarc

up. "I'll just t

l since this morning and I don't know why. I feel sick right now and I

thick comforter. I don't know why I've been feeling bad since this morning. I always

apped around me to see who it was. Then I saw Anne and Roxie. I

y?" Roxie as

"Of course. Do I lo

about me too much. I always think that I might be bothering them. Besides, I ca

r hand to my forehead but

on't worry about me.

"Fine! Fine!" They sighed

need something, Okay?"

on. "Yes, Madam Roxie! Yes, Madam Anne

ody fell on the bed. My head hurt even more because of them. Maybe, I need to take m

yes before picking up my phone on the side table. I smiled when I saw wh

d at the ceili

ried over his voice. I don't know why, h

! We just met and tal

just being paranoid by so

can tell me everything so w

aybe, I just missed you."] I im

eel. I swear, there's something wrong with him. It's not the same as before.

e you sti

e home, right? You're always picking me up at th

ways miss you."] His voice is a

t a week. Don’t you think I might think differ

you want to think, maybe

thing but you know what, I'm thinking th

ng to say was cut off beca

he side table. My smile remained on my lips. I can't help but

to take me home after his class. It’s exhausting to drive that far every day. Duh! Sometimes, I just

feel drowsiness visiting me

. I immediately covered myself with a thick comfo

but my head hurt, I suddenly felt dizzy causing me to lie down on the bed a

being torn. This is so hard for Pete's sake. I thought this is just easy but it's not, especially that I'm

ote attached to the glass. I took t

that you need to brush your teeth and clean your face using a clean wate

and 5

l, they're my best friends since Elementary. I got up then went s

d my bed and took the comforter to wrap aro

attention again. I approached the dining table and there was a cover in the middle a

sick, so just think that we did not cook this breakfast fo

e and

with a note. Those were the ones I saw when I opened the... What do you cal

you have a fever now, so just think we did

e and

good. After that, I also started sipping on the chicken soup. It t

even though the weather is hot. And I don't know why I seem to be crying l

o take a bath because I feel hot now, my whole body is sweating profusely.

or of the shower area and took th

ake a bath because you have a fever. Don't be hard-headed! Just take a half-bath. Don't wet your

and 5

-bath. I looked around. I just noti

he vase with flowers. To the left of the sink is the wooden cabinet, where bathrobes, extra towels, extra soap, extra shampoo, extra toothbrush and toothpaste, and so on are placed. To the right of the sink, there is a shower area surrounded by a glass wall. The next area is the toilet area. This area has one to

pwear. When I finished, I took the comforter and wrapped it aroun

I saw a piece of the note attached to the f

tell you not to do that anymore. Leave that there

and 5

do right now. I don't want to just lying

living area. I hope this time, there will never

too much on watching on Netflix, it might hurt your eyes and make you

and 5

te to remind me, huh? Really? I rolled my eyes in

I stood up then I peeked at the peephole first so I could find out who wa

rtbeat suddenly quickened. He immediatel

re because he was still carrying his bag and his hair was a bit messy

using me to back away a little. It's like h

one should still take care of you," he said calmly. He

stand?" I blinked. "Blaire, do you understand?" I i


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