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Word Count: 1803    |    Released on: 18/07/2022

ellow Plane

s stock with Paul and she hated this. She couldn't stand this, she looked to her hands. Black and white hues

and bolts towards him. Paul who was busy enjoying his meal failed


d backwards by


groaned and sat up looking at Paul awkwardly. ' What j

calm down.", Paul teased. "... no

d you hit

a white handkerchief. " I didn't hit y

we aren't alone are we? ", Ba

o clap for her. Nodding in accordance with h

about s

have a sit and lets converse! we h

w do I get out of here now. Kyle

l you hav

t to go

ave to to accept my offer first the

ce and opening them again. She walked back to hi

n't deny me Ms. Friday, my offer is

the point

join S.T.R.A.N.G

ltiple times on hearing him. "This must be

and expect you to follow suit with Megahero leading. Even the earth master brother is a side member in the crew. Overdrive is just one super fast idiot who follows orders witho

t debunk

were on an island of zombies and will you tell m

d a brow. "Am

e you ra

dn't get any better, he's

he Yellow plane turned to the aspalan court of erie in seconds, wit

ly smiled looking in ahead from a distance with Barbie. The u

circles. Guardian and Trigshot shooting in like dummies. W

n. "...I have nothing to say other than th

ment. "Seems you aren't


would you rather w

e their advantages and disadva

paper into a trash can and on queue, the reality vanished. The

rganization Strange. Himself his strange... and

is place, there's much more of what

d Immediately. "

n me and together we shall build the world

ng to home powers bu

evolution will only go once you have accepted my offer. And I will help you


faulty mindset. He uses dices to play this game called probability. With this dices he can control the universe and beyond i

"...This is getti

o my offer I might suggest you look at what the table has to offe

eart beat rate increased and her body turned


d Clive on his power bike; owning to a huge tire behind and less huge one in front with a seat that made it look like a car combined with a power

megahero and light blaze dropped from above and with Jamie increasing his physical body they began to lift the debri

Barbie about being present at the localized area. The A.I were at work. Kyle and just des

bie anywhere across


that pos


nd suddenly she disappeared. And it happened befor


on top the source. "...well this is bad. ", he tapped his watch which unleashes a

ing up a strong en


", he stopped talking,looking at where


om there!.", Kyle yelled



g up mass distances as it comes smacking Clive of his feet and down the rough road

n the vicinity, luckily every living th


live repor



long platform. He was highly disturbed, the circulation of th



really badly getting up. "Speed healing ...yah blessed!." he looked around for the others but the smokes everywhere were

he stopped halfway. Still coughing. The vicinity temperature was skyrock

e hell ha


drive witnesses is Megahero crashing uncontro

mediately and squatted. "Dude

y to be welcomed by an unknown force that forces

he chest of his suit and a new material spawns allove

ES!!! B

ce that was in with Ralph. Stevs backed away on hearing a massive growl emit from the pit. He would


e pit. His body pressed against the ground, destroying it a bit. Lightnin

g the saliva in his mou

r vision into it increasing the growl. Soon both attacks stopped for some reason unknown , St

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