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Africa blood


Word Count: 2573    |    Released on: 20/06/2022

under the tree, as the king was appraising them for the new building in the palace, my king Africa is great we

n we want to see, know an

In fact, will be a special seat for you all. I'm glad you Coming. You white men are


the king and they served him. The first wife served him a kola nut, the second palm wine, and their fruit. The whit

me their husband. Best things a

e. The white men said. the king we will be going n

expecting you for the festival celebrat

clan have brought what the idols ask for. Yes, my king, we brought them yesterday night. Good, let me taste out of kola nut, for it tastes so great. No problem, my king and again I tastifybtge white men have done wonderfully well, in our king's clan. See how the

o greet the king. The King said I greet you all. May you leave to celebrate more for the village. They ask to sit at

ttends to them and praises them. Visitors started coming in. People also came in to greet the king, the celebration start

ons were made by King kola, the po

of the village. Some Women came out, all dressed in white danci

getting their they collect the pot of water from the process and anchored her to her knee before the river

have go

great at

take our o

come near every

on bird. He came gave the priest the bird, and the ask him to kneel

peaceful, ever

throw it inside the river. The priest

thank you for accepting our offer. Th

ou are o

w you

ave to beli

ng they saw something shining from the river. Touching it the

y may we always seem to celebrate in our village and nothing separate us all. Amen,

pecial sit, they all celebrate by dancing and singi

for what they have done in our land. They

u did in our village, we ha

the king to see what we have discovered in your land a gold. My king if you, can let

ke the gold to our county to refine and the goods, will sell her hear in your town. Such as gold

priest, to know if the Gods of our fathers land what you to do it. And the

ver something, iyalode murmured all this demon-like human being! What have they discovered again? The saw gold. Gold they all shouted. Haa, u have asked for our permission to build a gold factory that will be going to

ji purpose made the white men see it so that there will be great and wealth in the village, so what should we do now. Just make a sacrifice to the gods and everything will be well. Okay, the king said you all have heard we are in save the hand.

bring development to the African country, like your kings said we will refine the gold and beautify it with sho

g which was the handwork of development going on in town. Construction was made by the white people who start to draw out gold from the water, and they took it out to refine it into tho sheo, bags, and chairs. They ship it and they sta

ilding. The semi land start to become the centre of the market, where the labour

f things white men bring to them, they in aware. the kind sent for the market women in the village and told them to nominate someone that will be giving them feedback on market sales day by day. They all

arket day that neighbour town can come to buy. The village market must be c

er about the king's mission, if there is any fishing

en were involved at this meeting. The King said, the white men demands tax money for development of the village, for example person is adjourn to pay 250, to iyamope the market and the whole money will go t

g, my main problem is, the king tackles her saying questions will be at

ryone will have access to electricity, instead of using latern, light will be distributed round the village and it will look like we are in London and the city of lagos. Iya mope the market

ctory in this village we realise that the people needs more of good development like tide road, electricity, and a eq

About four of them raise their hand iyalode cou

request for that kind of money is too much my king red

ce it that is the smallest amount

ked, how are you assuring us that the white

ill see it yourse

e tax apart from the developm

gs will be lower, and the

each clan. The clan leader that they will pay to

semi land to buy and also sell, it was tremendous as the king ask the m

rning the tax payment she handle the money to her, and iyalod

you said the other day. Each persons form a clan in the mark

age in bulks, the cloth seller to were selling used cloth from London that the white men brought to seminland, for the people to sell out to other villages. The c

ey to make a golden chair for their king too.the whit

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