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Chapter 3 HOME AT LAST

Word Count: 4449    |    Released on: 15/06/2022

going to say it again, so I'll help you 'I hatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttteee"I... had a fight with Jason Elly." A tear dropped from my eyes and I couldn't look at her. "Are you ladies coming or what?" "We're coming!" Elena replied, "He doesn't look angry at me." She whispered I dried my eyes and went into the bus together with Elena and sat on the last two reserved seats. This was probably Jason's doing. The latter was doing what he liked best: talking. Between us, "talking drum" is his secret nickname that I gave him. I sat on the last seat in the corner next to the car window, looking outside and just thinking about what had happened earlier. "Am I being impatient? Is Jason really changing? How did I get healed so fast when even a pain killer does not work that way? "I kept asking and wandering and did not realize that Elena was calling until she started tapping my shoulder. What is it that really must have happened out there? What am I missing A? Tell me where you guys went and tell me why you're sad. Why were you crying earlier? I need to know everything Sis, "she looked very worried. There was no point in hiding a

just as I was about to pick up a carrot "Stop thief, your Sultan commands you." A feminine voice spoke from behind. I quickly dropped the carrot and ran towards mum and gave her the biggest hug I've ever given her. "Mum!" I shouted, my arms tightly wrapped around her. I've never been out of home without my parents, so I had really missed Mum. "Do I know you? "Because you just broke into my house and in this country it is called robbery. I'm calling nine-one-one right now," she joked, knowing well that nine one-one was for an ambulance. "I am not a young lady, ma'am; I am still your little ang

ly good at welcoming people," I said, after devouring quesadilla, served with green sauce, chopped onion and acidified cre

e ended up pronouncing "p"" three times, even after being corrected. "Aires !" someone shouted from behind... "Yeah," I responded sharply. " I've been looking all over for you after class. Why does it feel like you're distancing yourself from us today?" Elena erupted as she came closer to hug me, "Has it got anything to do with what happened on Friday and Saturday? "Mnmn... not really" I answered, "Actually, I think I have something to tell you two. But where's Talking Drum?" "Who?" she asked, pulling out of the hug, "Jase, where is he??? I need to apologize to him.him.him." I said, "Maybe he wasn't...

ur room. What's going on?" she inquired, bypassing me to my room. Everything was normal, temperature, light everything I mean"Urmm your ears must have deceived you, every...thing is... fine? I whispered, surveying the room carefully with my eyes, "Okay baby, take care of yourself. If you need anything, come to my room. 'Come to my room ' is my favorite sentence, there was nothing more fun than to sleep in the middle of my parents, I know it's childish but I would recommend all seventeen years old girls and boys to sleep there, because it's the safest place to be, that's why I mostly get fake nightmares. But I still haven't gotten what I wanted out of the book tonight; I've read that NESTOR was a kind of doom that was unleashed the day Jaires freed the kind spirit that held the book of guidance. After a few minutes of reading, I found myself in a place much more beautiful than anywhere I had been. I was in front of a building surrounded by flowers. 'HOME' was the name written on the top of it in golden letters. I began walking towards it when I noticed someone in the shape of a woman with wings flying towards me, and as I turned to run, I fell off my feet. "Come my dear," she said, "there is nothing to be afraid of." She stretched out her hand and I grabbed on tight to get u

for school." Mom ordered. She is not authoritative like she may have sounded, but when it comes to matters related to my education, you know, I'm Mummy's little girl. I rushed quickly to the bathroom, and in less than two hours I reached the school and was at my locker, reducing the weight in my bag and refilling it. "Well, well, well, look who we have here!" I heard as someone slammed the door to my locker recklessly, almost snapping my neck. "What the hell was that for?" I reddened as I looked over to see Perry and her evil-fed friends standing there. So, you were super excited that I made mistakes yesterday, huh? Well, guess what 'Mrs. Everything's funny ', we will make you regret ever laughing, "she threatened. " Oh come on Perry, you know I've never been intimidated by you nor your friends. Trust me, it's not starting now." I retorted, folding my arms and acting tough even though I was pleading for them to not harm me on the inside. "Look girl, I have been nice to you for a long time, but unfortunately honey, your grace period is over and you're going to get one hell of a beating you will never forget." she threatened, making it difficult for me to reply because my words had gone on protest or something else. "Woahhh!" I laughed "Look who is talking about being nice! Do you have any idea what that even means? Bullying people and hurting them while thinking you're the boss is called nice. Come on, Perry, you can be a better person and prove people wrong because if you knew what everyone thought about you, you would wish to be dead!" "Shut up, class has not started yet and you're making me bored with your lectures. "Lock her

n the spirit knocked you out, it wasn't to hurt or scare you like you guys thought." "Wow, Eli, I'ma stop you right there. That fall was hurting okay, Aires got unconscious for a long time. If not, we could have reached the camp that very day and not stayed in the forest." "No, Jason, stop!" I said, "Elena is right" "what" "No, listen Jason, I had a dream and I met her; she told me she needed our help and that when we needed her, we should look into the book and will find her, but she needs Jaires' help! Remember that name? We saw it in the book, remember? What if your grandma knew? What if this was meant to happen? What if it's our destiny to help her? Think about it, Jay." He looked at me with disbelief but didn't say a word. "So before he cut me off.." Elena resumed, " You had saved the butterfly, the fairy that you saw in the dream. When she got out of that cell, it was the beginning of the mystery, a prophecy. She surveyed first to see that you two were safe, that the dark spirit had not found you yet. But when she came back after you called her ungrateful, there arose a battle between the spirits. The dark spirit felt the presence of humans and heard your voice, so it tried to attack, but the fairy knocked you out so it could not possess your bodies. Nobody would go to see dead people! According to what research told me, a spirit needs a human body to be able to touch and do most other things. Other than that, it's always going to be a spell. " "Wow, do you believe me now, Jay? Elena's side of the story and our experience make sense. I think we should go back there. I suggested "I've always wanted an adventure or something mysterious," Jason laughed. "I don't know about you cute couple, but I think we just found ourselves a mystery, and I don't feel like backing out." What do you say, whoop the ass of some meddling ghosts or spirit? "Cos I am so in baby" Elena stretched out her hand enthusiastically. Well, I errr... We don't know if it is right to do it. We have no powers. We are not experienced with ghosts or spirits. "I mean, in the super natural world, we are going to get ourselves killed, and in case you forgot, we are still in high scho

broadly. "mnmn next time I hope to get an invitation" Mum replied, "Yeah sure, if only you'll bake us cakes yo

me shut the door behind me. "Really? Aww thank you so much super mum" this was the best day ever, I thought,

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