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Bonded to You

Chapter 2 Need Better for Myself

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 15/06/2022

pecially made for her. "I just wanted to do a thorough little sweep today," Lilith tells her. She's not deceived by Mrs. Adams faux niceness. Of course Mrs. Adams would be delighted to s

. Lilith didn't come from an overachieving family. In fact she was probably one of the first in her family to get a tertiary education. And on top of that a girl like Tadiwa wouldn't look at someone like Tadiwa who had poor tax. That meant that Lilith was always sending money to her sister because they were just not as financially well off as her and Lilith had to show some appreciation for what her sister had sacrificed to raise her. Lilith paid half of her sisters rent and gave her groceries every month. Which could be a strain considering that Lilith had her own rent to pay and her own groceries to buy. But it was better than actually living with her sister because she'd somehow spend even more money. A girl like Tadiwa was the type that was probably given an allowance of thousands of dollars since she was a kid. Her parents would never need her to send money home. Even if her brother didn't do anything with his life she'd never have the burden of looking after him. Lilith sighed. Before she even got into all of that she had to consider that Tadiwa was the type of girl who was definitely straight... It was no secret that Zimbabwe was one of the most homophobic countries in the world. And of course there was an LGBT community there but none of them that Lilith knew came from prominent families with millions of dollars. The ones she knew were seeking LGBT asylum in South Africa. Lilith sighed. The woes of being a gay girl. "Are you okay?" Mrs. Adams asks. Lilith gets out of her reveries and nods. She knows that Mrs. Adams is not asking out of genuine concern, but just to make sure that Lilith isn't too depressed to do her job well. Lilith was seriously considering looking for a

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