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Contract Marriage With The Billionaire

Chapter 3 iii

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

f it was that, I was going to remain in the perpetual pain that kept on radiating from my head because I have taken four tablets already and it seemed to be d

person in New Jersey. Nobody would have dared toyed with him due to his no-nonsense personality. He attended few social events and had very few friends but everyone knew and feared him. In fact, he had only one person beside his family that he trusted- his best friend, Michael Michaelson, another industrialist to the core. Michael Michaelson was the only person beside my mother and I to see my Dad at his bedside where he had been receiving exclusive medical treatment. My Dad didn't want anybody else to see how weak he was. Till his death, he had maintained that ruthless reputation. Till his death, he had remained powerful. As I looked at his picture, feeling the familiar pang of missing his presence resonated in me, I wondered what he would have done if he had found out that someone in his company had been bleeding dry the company he had built with his sweat and blood. Of course, he would have in anger used his bare hands to snap the culprit's neck. He would have made the bastard beg for death to come by the time he was done with him. It was in times like this I missed him the most. Damn it, Will, where are you? I thought as I looked at the wall clock. 9: 30PM How long would it take Will to talk to the private investigator and get back to me? Will was my personal assistant at work and a close friend. It was he that I had given the assignment to relate with the private Investigator because I trusted him to be discreet. Before leaving the office today, he had told me to be up late at home because the private investigator had told him that he was ready to share his findings. Thrilled that I was now finally very close to finding the bastard who had been stealing

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