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Love You A Adolescence.

Chapter 8 Steak Medium Rare

Word Count: 1678    |    Released on: 12/06/2022

oon, I don't know how difficult the case is. Hyunjun is restless, but it's not about him, it's his stoma

second time. BaekHoon slowly entered the house in a daze, Hyunjun just walked out holding hi

with you at noon. Please don't ha

s very pleasant, he look

I was a child, I was very fort

t enough strength to fall out of consciousness. He can even beat him, that is, a man of fle

n accident, I should help. Not dead yet, don't show that fa

not atrophied, the brain is still healthy, but a little shaken before the scene of blood full of peo

was surprised at for a long time was that the scent he used didn't make him dizzy, or throw up, vomit, and lose the greenish yellow fluid. I found out that he made it himself, he was also allerg

, his pupils wanted to stick, without saying a word and obediently left. But his life is very funny, when he argued with him, he was beaten in the

sound, the skull i

man. Tonight Hyunjun slept very well in the upper bed, but Baekhoon in the lower bed didn't seem to be. He tosses with a mess in his head unable to sleep.

l day. After pushing the water that was used to drink instead of rice from his stomach, he rolled onto the

a restaurant after school. After being asked by many BaekHoon, he refu

k Medi

is not yet ripe, the flesh is mixed w

beef. But the pile of blush he described, even he felt a lump in his throat. Before, he could still eat medium rare, not to mention his favorite

d at the hospi

information from nowhere. After listening to him thoroughly describe each wound an

tudents from the school. Instead of going to a certain luxury restaurant, to eat a 50% cooked steak, the two decided to grill on the side

y's brain hem

y and tried to forget and repeat. This is the first time BaekHoon has participated in a serious case, although he is not

l and left

s meal. The air suddenly fell, BaekHoon looked at h


g, just

oked a few sentences and tried to pull it back up. But through BaekHoon's ears, those words were faint, he looke

, don't laugh. Looks dumber than

't know if it was due to too much smoke or what, the two did not go home but invited each other to walk the Han River. Different from the heat at

store and brought out two bottl

o to the hosp

le is no

his head a

ed a bottle in the

ed him to the stone bench, pushed him to sit on the chair and then sat down next

but we don't play

sentence and to


that, he could o

also abandoned me becau

nd why he was payin

e very impo

enly BaekHoon's right

st my head

tmosphere is heavy again, today there is no moon and no golden light to warm the lonely. Although he played and p

, was composed for that person. It's just

lly being taken over by alcohol, and confided the words in his he

like you, that lonely

st like you. While struggling with the chaos in his head, suddenly a drop of water fell and gently touched his hand. It's not his tears, it's his

I'll take

tory when he bought an umbrella at the store earlier. Thinking that only when the movie reaches the

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