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His Little Girl~~♡

Chapter 2 Little girl, are you lost

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 10/06/2022

tleman makes his entrance, stunned

seled frame – he has one staggering appearance overall. There is this prepossessing air around him that makes hi

d attention, it's almost as if

al billboards, news headlines and magazines across the country. He is a prestigious personality with a high status, f

the Lexington Empire, a world-renowned c

y with billions upon billions of assets, and he is said to have the image of a human powerhouse – strong-willed, h

it for a pe

o be in any w

y called from the side, bolting out of her seat and

ll finally be my boy

hands in his pockets and r

le. He should settle down now before he can stir any more commotion. Catching everyone's attention her

ordered one for you," she continu

that? We just met today…' he

l out there? I may be a flirt like what the rumors say, but I'm not a womanizer. I d

istent –

he whole time, probably thinking that he will e

as only forced to meet

close with his father – perhaps, much too close that he thi

his own will, he would turn her down. He needs to keep it coo


darling~" s

on't think this i

e coffee too! We have similar tas

arcellus o

dule, he can't waste any more time here. He really doesn't want to make a sc

o be as bitter as coffee

t and likes repel…" chimed someone

cience teac

their side to find a teenage girl in

porcelain skin – despite how cute she looks, her demeanor resembles that of an adult. She is wearing an unbuttoned red

her vanilla frappe with an impassive expression. What's more, she had invited

Erica, feeling a little insulted by h

ng seat. The adults are ta

hat. I thought we only do that inside the classroom…" retort

ugh. I don't mind noises

a sweet smile, much

loss for a second there, th

much less talk so casually. He has no idea what she is up to, bu

b to understand. I bet you're a troublemaker at school too, and I think troublemakers sho

't want to be kicked out of here, she should rememb

nymore. I'm leaving…" he muttered ap

at I never wanted to date you. With how stubborn you are

, the high school girl besid

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