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Chapter 1 OTHER

Word Count: 1363    |    Released on: 10/06/2022


its sour, ever


x Bridge,

t separately, her fingers stretching wider, longer, toward the ground, targeting the thick canopy of trees below. Then, with u

ugh the night with no regard for their power; fear was no


d with the musty scent of the wetlands, creating a pungent, yet almost addictive fragrance. With a small inhalation of the familiar aroma, I shifted closer to the edge of the creek. I'd sought it ou

Hour by hour, it would shed what remained of its life. Its leaves, turning brown and crisp, until finally, with the slightest provocation from the wind, they would release, floating through the air until they landed, feet, yards-possibly even m

rs of my kind-whatever kind of immortal I was-existed? I wasn't a vampire, I knew that much-I didn't have fangs and I didn't need blood to exist, so I could mark that one, off. I hadn't changed into anything with scales or fur yet either, so I figured I was safe to mark that one off too. Maybe a Superhero? Nah, too afraid of heights.

ase in the wind. The moisture it spat at me stung my face, and not much a fan of

nt I'd opened my eyes this morning to explore the wetlands behind my home, though I couldn't help

s breath. Twisting and turning within the puppet-master like control of the wind, the Spanish moss-or Barbe Espangol as it was called in early times by t

gazed at the huge circle of grass that reminded me somewhat of a huge version of a fairy ring. However, my steps faltered, then c

head, paying homage to the storm as biting drops of rain bombarded the chiseled angles of h

re continuing to spiral downward, they traveled to the arch of his neck before pooling in the hollow of his collarbone. Then after a slight pause, they

refreshed my memory, taking in the man before me;

s head, but otherwise remaining still as stone, he stared at me out of intensely-silver eyes. On impulse, I stepped forward but gave a slight sq

happened and not making even the slightest m

ction, I placed my hands on the ground to

ike a goose on ice, I finally managed to right myself, then as I began sl

othes. This wasn't the first time I'd seen Declan's image over the past two years, but it was the fir

us, and an awareness of the unsettling hu

not even a rumble of thunder in the distance. The peculiarity of how fast it had ended sent a chill over my b

after what I'd seen it do to Merrick, I ma

told I was immortal, I'd never tested the truth of it, and

e. As the scent of damp rot hung in the air, surrounding me, small sprinkles of precipitation fell about my head and shoul

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