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A Little Florida Lady

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1360    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ng on

delight of Beth, she brought not only her own

e she conquered those unruly stilts, but it

eps on hers; she could dance with them, and do other feats that a

ing an expert herself. Stilts took up a good share of the morning, and, by

d, however, of the indoor sports, and Beth, although she was so lame that she could hardl

omplishments, so she thought and thought to devise som

n the river on our stilts. I've ne

d somewhat

made for land? T

ou're afraid, yo

ld not have kept Beth from ma

g. Julia mounted, and walked out into the water as proudly as a peacock. Beth followed, but, of necessity, more slowly, and she kept nea

is of hard sand, but a litt

d not budge. Now, as every stilt walker knows, it is impossible to st

er balance, but, fortunately, she grabbed the wharf

nd Harvey's boat darted towar

th, almost in tears but somewhat reas

deep enough to drown

up to Julia, and

you might be a worse stick in the

fer to

utter failure. Dirty water dripped from her matted h

made Julia very indignant. She said nothing to him, however, bu

nd Julia gave vent to

t me too? Well, I'd rather be laugh

when she had considered herself so brave. She th

told you that sti

home, Beth

d so forlorn tha

dn't laugh. Please

you'd get Miss Stick-in-the-Mud's picture for

id boy," exc

eached the house, Julia ha

olding, as she thought Julia really needed coddling a

Mrs. Davenport. She proved a very lovable woman, and

d to her. She drew Juli

uld mamma do if anything happened to her little gir

heart. Her words reminded them that their beloved stilts ha

where are

lts. They're

ts." And remain in the river they did, altho

ight, and her mother consente

fire. It was about stilts that reached up to the clouds, and I walked on

o up on that great high shed and jump off. We can make our a

dreadfully high to Beth, but she did not say so. Perhaps it seemed formi

ry firs

arms flap for wings. Strange to relate, she lan

ovely, Beth

jumped as she had seen Julia do, also keeping her arms going in the same manner as

, Beth? Let's

ed. Beth, not to be outdone, f

ed. She felt the jar even more the

rrived on the scene just in

high shed? You might hurt yourselves badly. Don't do such a thin

bidden; but when Mrs. Davenp

s the matter? You

, it's nothing, mamma. I'm

you two b


ecstasy of delight. "And it

What do y

shed back of the barn, and jumped

er you are lame. Beth cannot play another bit to-day.

hat she was really glad to go to bed. After a good night's res

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