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The Return Of A Mafia Lord

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 1696    |    Released on: 08/06/2022


ng, please nothing shou

is highly glorified please save my fam

my heart, that God hel

the next thing we heard was sounds of gunshot, pro

towards Carlos, because eve

ds Carlos he was trying to put a call throu

uld see it through h

is the right time I need you must h

urroundings the smell was so bad, Alexander started cough

le coughing terribly we were all cr

s, he went to the door tried brea

heck any escape route out b

lexia in his arm and asked me

s were already in searching for us,

to his study room, lucky for us t

come after me, I refused and we started arguing but i

I have to b

y are here to kill us al

hrough the window first ca

throw Alexia down, Sophie w

out with tears pou

statue completely disorg

led at

s fired a bullet at him but that didn’t make hi

t take it any more

s stop walking I beg you in god’s n

him he said and gave me a w

re I could take a step I felt somet

like?” I questioned myself b

but he couldn’t, he we

called choking on my own

out to him, he also did the same try

what he was saying at

rry!” he kept ap

before I welcomed the da


uttering inaudibly you

ith me, I lov

apping her cheek waiting for her to wa

ing her calling her name” with bloo

s walked to me with

r dearest and


ll you’ve

e, he said and kicked my sto

ng pains, you shouldn’t ain

nued tea

felt like doing,

ream my name

is bone one a

is own blood and

I caught a mark or should

eleton!” I smir

nd asked me why I have my s

r you!” I told him a

ight there in my heart and I feel my sou

l!” to come dine in


his finger just moved d

her, to see the man who just woke up, the man himse

the teenage girl was talking about and to his

his eyes, trying to adjust to the light


ing to the man blinking his eyes

ally opened

nd engulfs him in a very tight hug s

him, he just woke up you’r

addy!” she


very tight hug the person was squeezing life out of me

him, he just woke up you’r

phie and why does the

me am i?!” I thoug

bro!” the vo

arted clicking on

ie, Alexia and Alexander mos

as the first thing t

face change, Sophie baby why

lips quivering a

ne bro, sh

bro, said with tears threa

as crying

se just clicked i

ur siblings are they eating in the dinin

eet, the guy tried helping but I pushed him awa

t?!” yes I do daddy she replied with tear

s you mom and

park and you decide to come h

y are gone! They

in this cruel world dad

in tears a

like..as in…Linda, Alexan

” to pay for and su

reamed her name

down Carlos

” Carlos l

” I yelled with a very venomous war

n to argue with me, so he w

ily can’t just be gone like that my wife

just staring at the white walls

ted growing i

ll wil

I will make them pay, they will beg

ears, but they will

ake them suffer including their family

e biggest mistake of their

om awaits

dead, the one I had lock down ever since

consequences, the world hav

ke a river, body wil

ng down, my revenge

erything on me, right now

they get the real Ice!”

he way that leads to the living room to go see the man

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