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Being a billionaire's son

Chapter 4 Trials Begin

Word Count: 5286    |    Released on: 08/06/2022

es, which I have never done. I have almost cooked, all the food left, I will soon run out of stuffs to eat. My only hope is if Christabel co

r scumbag on the boy scouted, I didn't respond, I kept walking, they kept saying all sort of things. I wasn't interested on that, I was hungry like dead, I have never felt h

, you must join, thank you for your hearing". The principal left, there was noise everywhere I manage to follow Mr. Carlos, "Mr. Carlos I called out loud" "hey Sam I haven't seen you for a while now" he glances through my whole body, he might have noticed that I have lost weights. "So how can I help, he looked at my eyes, "you know my condition si

but lack skills and self-reliance, her teammates only pass to her, that put pressure on her, that why they lose a lot, if only one of them

course they have to practice too" Christabel said frowning her face , "hearing this already tells me that the boys team are better I said smiling, point my eyes at her (why is he looking at me like that, oh am I still holding his hands) , Christabel quickly removed her hands from mine. "Did you just insult the girl's team, she frowned her face for me" I ran away, she chased me" you are dead Sam, you're so dead Christabel yelled" I couldn't escape from her, eventually she cut me. She nagged me for some minutes, and I got tired, are you hungry, she asked. No, automatically came out of my mouth even though I wanted to say yes, I will have to bear it. "Why don't you try my new recipe" she said bri

want to go get some water, Christabel left. Likewise, I lie down on the grass. Then something uprise my mind, Christabel might not, have anything to eat, the other one must have been for her, I took it without thinking, oh gosh what have I done. Why does she even care so much? Minutes later she came back with two waters can, she handed one to me, I watched her, has she drank the wat

oes it mean am I dying. oh, no, I have lost self now. (what just happened now, I felt my heart raci

nd they finished on time. When they were done Christabel sat back again, some moments later the man came back with some bread and two orange juices, he gave Christabel one and me the other. Christabel ate normal, she might just be pretending to eat slowly so that I wouldn't notice (I have to eat normal so that Sam doesn't notice that I was hungry all this while). When we, were done eating, we thanked the man for the meal. Mr. Johnson "this is Sam, the boy I told you about, Marcel must have told you too", "Marcel didn't tell me anything, but I remember his name" , you have been mentioning it right since the beg

ou didn't wait for me, we normally come here together". "I already told you yesterday that I will be bringing Sam to see you

ow", I said to Christabel, she asked me to wait, I waited. For some minute later she brought out food stuffs in a basket and gave them to me, thank you I said. This will last me for some time.christabel must have bought this from her money.

me out to th

here is something like this is this type environment. I walked to the exact spot we saw Mr. Johnson, nobody was there, so I waited, some moments later Christabel sighted me, "Sam she waved", I walked to her, " I was coming to go get you, but I don't have your nu

what the workers wear, I collected it and put it on. "Wow, you looked beautiful in it Christabel said smiling at me", yeah, yea, I said. "Let get back to work Marcel said hasty raising his voice bit higher". You

always raise his voice I wonder? "He is at his top games" Christabel calmly said. We all ate in silence, when it was time Christabel said let go, we left Marcel there, for some reason I think Marcel doesn't like me. After closing we collected our payment, it was a wage, not salary. I was happy on hearing that. Christabel bought some items. We both left together. "Marcel don't you think, Christabel have found the appropriate person" Mr. Johnson asked. "I don't trust that boy, I believe he is hiding something". "That what you always say" Mr. Johnson laughed. "Even if, he is too poor, the likes of him shouldn't be talking to Christabel In the first place" "sh

r I fell down, I slept on the couch. Furthermore, I battled getting up, still I was on my feet and then I went to the bathroom to brush. I washed my face after that. The hous

s Christabel. "Hey Christabel, how are you doing" I asked. "Better, fine, you want to go for a stroll." "Yeah I would l

ee someone inside , those were my thoughts. She walked fast, and I followed her, she finally stops and stare at one of the clothes, "do you like this dress", I love is she replied swiftly, "I dreamt I wore this dress, and I was free, and everything were easy from there onward". She must really adore this dress, but what does she mean by "I was free". The security guard spotted us, Christabel ran away leaving me behind, "run Sam she said" we finally got out of the mall, breathing heavily, "Christabel you almost killed me, I manage to talk, why didn't yo

for me" Christabel said softly "uncle Marcel when will you be coming back" Anita asked Christabel young sister."? I don't know yet, Christabel never lets me come". "Simon say something", Anita pressure her elder brother, "whatever, I say he doesn't change anything, what difference does it make if I asked him" he yelled at her, Anita burst into tears, Marcel pet her, Simon as never be is fan, and he doesn't know why. "Simon, you shouldn't make your sister cry", Marcel said while petting her, "okay I will come around", Anita stopped crying. okay, I am leaving, the family waved at him, and Christabel escorted him, "mom plan it", Marcel said, as if he knew what Christabel was about to ask, all I did was to come by and enjoy the party. She knew her family very well, they must have asked Marcel for help, or money. She doesn't like when her family do occasions that are not necessary important. Marcel knew

s she my dad spy, after all Mr. Carlos introduce her to me. no, it can't be, my dad won't do anything

. Sam tries not to run late,, so he rush

nsider you as a friend yet, in her eyes you're still a stranger, we even celebrated it, I brought a red breed. well, Sam I have practice to do, see you around. Christabel was at the corner of the building, she had listened to everything Marcel said. I guess I always find myself here recently, she thought. She waited for a few minutes before she approached Sam, Sam was shock to see her. "Hey Sam how you're doing" "fine Christabel Sam replied smiling" (why does he always smile even after all Marcel said)? Sam stood up to leave, "where are you going" Christabel asked. To the class he said, "haven't you be chosen by the judo team, or you didn't check the billboard" Christabel said smiling. My mind went rational but Mr Carlos promise to help me, why did he but me at the judo team. "I didn't check it, how is the judo team like". Christabel suddenly burst into laughter," they are the worst team in the school, they have never won any m

, and they all wore brown belt which mean they are in the lowest rank. Suit yourself Christabel, leaving me behind. Mr. Carlos, I am going to kill that man. "Hey are you the recruit one of th

commendation to join the team". My head choked, my breath seized. "Okay put on that GI, let see wh

The rest of the judo team were all staring at me what a nice throw, he did even last two minutes on the tatami. I couldn't get up from the floor. Are you sure you are, Sam? The coach asked, I am Sam, I barely talked. Okay, then the coach asked one of the students to spar with me, I failed. This time the opponent won by an ippon, I finally came to realize

it" she said to then I replied fine with the tone of dying. "Let go to work" she said. What about Marcel I asked, they are training she said. They train really hard, yeah since they don't let us have longer time with the court, she replied, not being satisfied with it. We walked together to Mr. Johnson's shop. Mr. Johnson was waiting for us, there are a lot of customers to attend to, we quickly dig in, we clear almost all the customer, me and Christabel teaming up was perfect, Mr. Johnson said when we were done. Have some lunch Mr. Johnson said, handing over the snacks to us. When we were done eating, Christabel brought up a discussion, and we laughed, Marcel finally showed up, he walked pass us, Christabel tries to wave at him, but he ignored it, I could tell he was angry. Soon after we heard loud music in the mall, our break wasn't over yet, but we rushed down to get a view, "they are Mr. Johnson VIPs" Christabel said. They were up to ten and were same height with us, they must be from a rich family. "Let go attend to them ", I said going downstairs, no Christabel holds me back, only Mr. Johnson attends to them. Hey duck one of the boys called out loud, the rest of them turned to our direction, look it duck and drake, the girl with them said with a laughing tone. I was furious, so I went downstairs to attend to them, Christabel tries to hold me, but her hands were too late, I walked down, "what will you like to buy" I asked politely. Who is this duckling, one of them said. They burst into laughter. I guess you newly learned that, keep practicing, that a good way to learn words I spoke softly. The boy from behind got pissed off, I am not poor as you, working day and night to feed yo

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1 Chapter 1 Life the other way2 Chapter 2 Omega high school3 Chapter 3 A new start4 Chapter 4 Trials Begin5 Chapter 5 Mr Carlos Advice6 Chapter 6 Put into action7 Chapter 7 The strange girl8 Chapter 8 Judo competition9 Chapter 9 The winner10 Chapter 10 Sam gift11 Chapter 11 Simon and Anita12 Chapter 12 Speak Up13 Chapter 13 The beginning of something14 Chapter 14 A step Away15 Chapter 15 Mr Smith16 Chapter 16 Be our tutor17 Chapter 17 The girls basketball game18 Chapter 18 No regrets19 Chapter 19 Blames20 Chapter 20 Goodbye21 Chapter 21 Mom22 Chapter 22 Samuel and Jessica23 Chapter 23 Lifestyle24 Chapter 24 Newcomer25 Chapter 25 We meet26 Chapter 26 The mysterious girl27 Chapter 27 Be my girlfriend28 Chapter 28 Exposed29 Chapter 29 Christabel30 Chapter 30 Our first date31 Chapter 31 Meet my mom32 Chapter 32 Hanging out33 Chapter 33 Arrange34 Chapter 34 The family35 Chapter 35 My Honor36 Chapter 36 Trust37 Chapter 37 Looking back38 Chapter 38 A sign39 Chapter 39 The Crowd40 Chapter 40 The last day41 Chapter 41 Answers42 Chapter 42 The wedding43 Chapter 43 Fate44 Chapter 44 What happened45 Chapter 45 New home46 Chapter 46 Simon47 Chapter 47 Mrs Smith48 Chapter 48 The Charles family in trouble49 Chapter 49 The sad news50 Chapter 50 Car accident 51 Chapter 51 She is carrying my baby 52 Chapter 52 I would like to see her53 Chapter 53 This isn't our home 54 Chapter 54 Your safety 55 Chapter 55 Calls56 Chapter 56 Turning around 57 Chapter 57 Flashback 58 Chapter 58 Running away 59 Chapter 59 Maya60 Chapter 60 I Owe you an apology 61 Chapter 61 One last time