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THE ELITES: Guardians of the universe

Chapter 4 The light to destiny

Word Count: 2103    |    Released on: 07/06/2022

RK | A


t had few other cars occupying it, as it w

were placed on the steering and the other on his lap, his head slightly moving to and fro due to the rhythm of the Afro beat, playing not too loud in his car. He wa

s, as he couldn't find any either. He might seem okay to the public, but when alone, Oscar is disturbed by his past lives, he had gone to many psychologist and counsel masters, but non seem to have the proper solution to his psychological flaws and breakdowns, and it made him more troubled. He quickly remembered that he needed to set the map location for his car to keep proceeding, but as he leaned forward, trying to touch the location icon on the steering, a bright bl

of lightning on it and before he could think of entering his car, a blast from the clouds, to his chest, took him off his feet in a slow motion, and he began to burn so bright that his body r

other in harsh tones that made her feel like interfering into their discussion, but whenever she tried to say a word, something always weighed her

? Am your sister not your slave." Flora

our movement and affairs. Don't ever forget that." Daniel who was driving, suddenly vo

but a minute. So snap out of it." She said, yelling at Daniel who decided to stopped driving, as he marched the

net who was now furious, ask

to deny me my birth right." Daniel said to his sis

u are not!" Flora r

" Daniel cl

ou ar

s I

ou ar

! Yes

ren't! Yo

turned to face her. "You both are so so dumb to not know that we are in the middle of the road!!. I thought you both were experie

ce day." Janet said angrily again, be

Daniel quickly said, after wa

en am gone. I'll just look for a cab. Thanks anyway." She

. We are sorry." Flora said in a ca

lease. You guys are sibli

r pocket, then took a step towards the car, but as she tried to open the door, a bright lig

nd Daniel signaled ''a how I

, the bright light blasted each and everyone of them, taking their motion from them as they remained fixed to a point, including flora who was in the car. Yellow streaks of lights began to move round daniel, then flora and finally Janet whose color was qui


| Ultra Soun

. He was worried, and as he turned to reveal his face, his eyes were swollen in tears. He staggered backwards trying to balance on the wall behind him as more tears ran do

as better to join his family in the land of the dead than to remain here for more pain and sufferings to befall him. He raised his hands above his head with a yell, but as he tried to stab himself in the belly, a bright light shone on his face and he dropped the scissors in fear, not k

ked in fear, still moving

lin Boma." The dark figure said in a bold echoin

ed to shrug it off your shoulders docto

d baby boy, dieing in front of me, and I couldn't do anything to

that, you might be good, but not perfect." T

ison, performed a major surgery in less than an hour, invented my own drugs for curing Aids and HIV. A

s. And that's why we have come to make you....Perfect!." The figure voiced ou

How? And with what do you intend doing that? Wait a minute, w

ers, doctor Boma." The figure said finally glowin

he light expanded throughout the room and he fell on his face, still panting, before his body glowed, disintegrating to nothing


r System |

m's Di

void to remain hidden forever. And from the skies came three huge dark colored birds that

rt of the planet. In Hotull, they were no such thing as black birds or worms or flying snakes of any su

ollowed, jumping down like a fallen horse and he quickly noticed the

so large it would allow the whole citizens of new York to go through, was standing in front of them and phylon smirked as they moved closer to it. The gate gave a blue hue, before

captain snapped his fingers to reveal the kingdom which wa

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