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Sinful Samantha

Chapter 5 Masked

Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 06/06/2022

earing a brown jacket and wa

alley surrounded by red curtains, and on the side of the entrance was a hall of pictures of different naked women. But, the woma

oking at her brown eyes. The side of her face up to her eyes was covered by a red feathery mask, b

Nikolai whispe

led a ‘barker’ of the club approached and asked Nikol

tepped closer to the barker and whispered.

ng a bid for Sinful Sassy,” he said in a low voice that seemed unnecessary

lue,” he said and looked at the

sked Samantha as soon as she went out of h

ecause of my headache,” she lied. “I haven’t slept, right?

fferent from Aunt Grace. She h

t night,” Grace said, rolling her eyes hea

ement. “I can’t wait to buy a new d

hen she started to run away from them. “Missy, you’ll

urrowed brows were like throwing her questions. “But

“Yes, it’s true. But, you’re sti

hen you have to carry me,” she

her child. She doesn’t want Missy to see her in weakness. Sh

ay?” Gra

” she said and smiled. “Than

and took Missy. “Let’s ride a pedicab. Yo

the bicycle with a carri

They’re called pedicabs because they run via peddling. Ped for Pedal and Cab for Cab,

d. “I want to ride a

will. We’ll just wait f

e added. “Some of our neig

as a bicycle, and he uses it to

n her daughter suddenly stopped t

s Samantha. “Mommy…” she paused and the

o answer her innocent daughter’s question. Even Gra

you about that word?” Samantha asked

s, she started crying. “Lesli told me my mom is a prostitute… I as

hh… Don’t cry. You promised mommy

sked, tears streaming down her rosy ch

” she murmured and hugged her daugh

. They hang out in a KTV bar near their apartment

“Get the owner’s details then ran

? It bores me to just sit in front of the laptop.

ner. “Then why did you acce

said in a bored tone. “But, ‘ea

jobs for tonight. I need to take a bre

widened. “Then

t your ass to be hauled out from the team,” Nikolai

. “Don’t worry, I’ll just watch the famous

ore his eyes, her luscious lips, and her sexy body. Nikolai felt something famili


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