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Chapter 2 The sink

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 06/06/2022

ood will be on their table for the night and morning but there he was at the detention hall doing anything but nothing. He had other looking scrawny k

, then he felt droplets of rain on his face. The sky grumbled with thunderstorms as it went dark completely in an instant. The strong and mighty wind took over the sea and he was nowhere near home. He couldn't see as everywhere was now peach dark, he had to pick the torchlight that was strapped at the side of the canoe for safety only to realize he had forgotten to charge it as the device had refused to give a bright light. Even with the dim light, the Torchlight was able to offer. Daniel turned his canoe around so it was facing the direction of his home but the Torchlight has knocked off his hands into the sea from a mighty wind that gave the canoe equally a swift movement making Daniel lose his balance on the paddle dropping it too into the sea. He was stranded, he cried inside of him for someone to come to his rescue then he prepped and talked himself not to believe he was stranded. He began paddling the canoe to his strength using his hands, but the mighty and turbulent wind was making it impossible for him to move, with the harsh rainfall that blinded one's eyes and made it impossible for him to see through his soaked hair. "I can't die". Daniel thought to himself coz he felt he was already close to his death. "Who will take care of my grandparents if I'm gone." Those were the thought that circled his tiniest mind at that moment he couldn't make a distance with the tide. Even with his persistence and prayers, it was like it fell on deaf ears. A strong tide washed over Daniel plummeting him into the cold and salty water that felt like ice cubes dropped to the skin. His canoe was already wrecked from the heavy and strong impact of the tid

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