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Beautiful Ashes

Chapter 2 I'm married

Word Count: 1302    |    Released on: 05/06/2022

efore schoo

th my car, and since that day, we have formed an inexplicable bond. Wh

she hasn’t told me what happened and I don’t want to pressure her, but whatever happened, I am extremely grateful be

f us always texting each other. If we text, we are into late-night calls. She mentioned one time on cal

t Rhea. So far, the only things I know about her was she has

e fuck puts pin

olutely nothing about her. She says the random things about her, but never the ones that make her differ from others. I want to know what she thinks of before going to be

ting obsessed but I ho

as, I had a

es. I think about her way too much. In the shower, when I’m takin

y I was excited

time it showed it was almost 6:00 pm

hroom to shower. Usually, I would dress in my ev

ent, but I wanted s

ing to im


on my door, I knew that was Rhea at the

yelled fro

sed in some black ripped jeans, an oversized white T-shi

d and ran down the small sta

aken. She was wearing plaid black and white dress over a white sleeves turtl

she looke




rey eyes, getting lost in them. My eyes make their way down to the upturned nose, admiring the freckles that lay there, b


I said tha

hat was immediately replaced with a smile a

g “You look good too” she co

out as I stared at

taking her to where I had

ome snacks we could nibble on as we get to know more about each other” I say w

ughtful of you” she says t

hen we were done, we moved to the litt

d. We were playing twenty questions. A game whe

in a club as a strip club. She prefers coffee to tea, she likes men's cologne, hates anything that smells fruity

erfect date is indoors, popcorn, wi

ut the lists of things I've

e talked, noticing every it

that she likes and things which she is excited about, and her

t, and I was in a

not attempt to stop. If anything, I leaned in

oking at m

the kiss

ntly seeking permission. when

ps felt magical against mine. she starts t

g each other's lips. This was most definitely not my first kiss, b

ickly turned into a heated make-out sessio

s all of a sudd

u okay?" I ask, with confus

cking away from me, which kind

ask, even though she was pul

happen again" she says, getting up from t

ng what could have caused thi

t deny you didn't feel what I feel bac

s a magical kiss. But this can't h

as she walked out the door, br

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