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You Are My Savior (Eng)

Chapter 5 Her Grattitude

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 04/06/2022


r with the two guys. Rhianna roamed her gazed in the Ca

ething to discuss." Le

inderia. Rhianna looked back and she saw Brandon who was b

r Rhianna. Rhianna abord to the car. Leo goes to the driver's seat and aboard also. Miracle! He's

knew what he was talking about. It is w

's gonna stab yo

o that, I can manage

ith what she did. She has already saved Leo. Is he still angry? She did nothing right. Suddenly

cause of what I said, you're going to cry? If

She didn't want to argue. She just kept quiet to one side. She looked out the car window and

a few minutes until she could see the location of the Head Quarters. Leo

m. When they got inside the Head Quarters, Alexandra and Harold went to a room next to the room where Alexandra treated her. Leo and B

re and their eyes met. She smiled at him and he smiled bac

come out?"

one here. So I went ou

you." sh

ou do that?" he asked her and looked

. Ten until eighteen years old, so that I could learn and be good." she said. Her father has been

impressed me." h

did in the Cafeteria, while Leo is not. H

you're on the

. Leo looked at them. His forehead furrowed when he saw Rhianna with Brandon. But, it sudde

Leo!" Brando

dra's voice beside her. She

w did you find out my

th twinkling eyes. She likes

be tomorrow. Agent Jerald texted me." Brandon said

emembers the two men. Does that mea

em. They turned to her

men? Will you l

mall cell inside the room. We're going to surrender them to the police tomorrow." Al

t inside. She also went in when she got there and Leo drove the car ou

herself to always be riding in his car. He was silent throughout our tri

m. He looked at the watch he was wea

k." he answer

, fun to talk to

ddenly asked her. Her eyes widened. She n

can't even talk for long." she defended. He stopped

other and sister, right? Why do we have to talk for so

I'm sorry."

pect him to notice? Why does she expect him to treat her well, because first of all. Help was

walked toward the door. She turned the doorknob. Sh*t! It was

n." he said when he approached

doorknob, then he opened the door. He came in first and s

ill thank him. Because if it's not, she wouldn’t be saf

e turned around and marched into his room which is now her room. Put h

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