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Chapter 4 DANCE

Word Count: 2434    |    Released on: 28/09/2022

an here and there to find him. He finally st

le calling out all sorts of profanity agai

om was located there. After entering, he took off all h

s his hand hit the w

rbance. In fact, because of yesterda

was an accident. Yet, the latter face doesn’t show

He screamed when he forgot the bathtub had been filled with hot water. He

! I’m going to kill him the next

s closet chamber. All his clothes looked too similar to h

nd a new set

n't changed into those clothes

a dance party held in t

how anyone my real body. Erk! But my friends can know my presence. I need to hide it. Hm…What if Kai

black door. When he enters it, he appears in a

as also the place where he kept

a mirrored table, and accessories in it. Su

on his feet. The naked slim body with a bump on his chest

t a young man or

t of the mirror again. She had a c

… Help turn the curse a bit that fell upon my family. If it wasn’t because of t

Star. But because the female body is weak… We had to ask for Sagittarius to chang

turns back to a girl again.

different when you become a man. Now that I think about it, nobody in my genera

an to kiss them? Could it be…? Was it intentional or is it the man who kisses them like Pegasus has

d at his own

e didn’t have any other thoughts though… Alright, let’s get ready and go t

e for the dance party. After she was

utside a shop in Antonia City. It was like she was coming out of it and didn’t get a strange

un!" She cheered and stepp

centre of the city, she

g to the party too?” A handso

e called beautiful. As a man before, she

chance to be your pa

the back and had soft light brown

disguise was successful and no one recogn

nees and small ribbons and flowers decorated her arms. Her feet were cov

ace covered her slender and smooth neck. As for her stellar emblem chain, she h

young and innocent. Her appearance had at

pted the invitat

here." The man gave his right

i smiled

is arm and he walked

is Enru

n’t used her old name. It’s alright to use it now since s

Call me

tiful name." E

me is also unique, Enru. So

ease don’t. I can’t be compared to Sir

s fi

wd, still knows how to dance. Enru and her moved in harmony while listening to the rhythm of the song being played. A

he unknowing Enru only followed the will of her movement. During one part of the song, they bo

ed by many young women. She guesses the

nd she stared sharply at Pegasus. She was startled when Pegasus' eyes snapped to her di

than Enru. In fact, she only reached under Peg

topped dancing. She looked up at him and wa

his young lady now?

Sure!" Enru looked shocked

aside while rele

d before he took Agi’s h

wouldn’t when one of the heroes saving their world talks to them. Enr

e in the centre of the dance floor. Her legs moved backwards to step away from him. Ho

nged the position of his hand from holding her arms to the palm of his hand.

i gasped when Pegasus whispere

t weird out. She slowly raised her head to look at hi

hitch and she could feel her legs suddenly feel weak.

sked and it made her realise

o different until he couldn’t believe

eved her that her iden

She told him

her voice had also cha

ile that caused her hea

me seeing someone as lovely as yourself and I couldn’t help myself wanting to get closer to y

od at making flowery verse and this

ank you..." She

sentence but control her mouth tight.

back side of her palm. His sudden action was indeed very foreign to her and made her unco

Pegasus," Agi said despite not wanting to

to look at Pegasus. Her eyes slightly widened

rong?" She aske

t a small smile, so different from his irr

She's hard to reach and her

us had someone he really liked and it suddenly made her feel


eliberately asked to

egasus replied honestly while

ense eyes. She moved

’t you bring her here

ved but instead danced with her. At the same time, she was disappo

y to enter. Yes, I love her but maybe only one side. I'm sorry. It seems I

enacious as if he was holding back a pain. She wants to chase Pegasus to f

possible. There’s no danger around anymore

to have fun dancing with other men. She wanted

his left side where the bitten place was. He began to feel the pain again and grit his te

ression. Then, he looked at his hand. He brought it to his nose and inhaled the

Urgh... She made me love her even more. Agi, you’re not fair at all. Why do you have

as dancing with Enru. As soon as he thought about it, h

t kill them all,

two canine teeth app

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