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Chapter 7 The Past Flashes

Word Count: 3658    |    Released on: 03/06/2022

e would be mocked by my father." Sol said while he danced with Aurora in his arms. They waltz togethe

ngs. Voices of people laughing, ladies giggling, the guards chasing kids out, pe

complimented you on your speech. Half way through it, I think I fell

r dress. The way her sliver cloured hair fell smooth

e speech, you did. What exactl


ean task!" He lifted hi

er from bursting out in laughter but he could

n." She looked up at hi

ked me, that you fe

lucky woman too. Y

moment. Just hus

and pressed he

se of you. Every moment of peace I have achieved is all because of you. Aurora, I am not good with

d his cheek while she stared at him wit

ve yo

my line." He hushed and when she didn't say

When she recovered from her la

happiness, I love you. In peace, in agony and in death, I will

y eyes, then his hand wrapped tightly

ys manage to s

rd, her hands on both sides

ared her throat an



in a tight bun, a little too serious for the occasion but it looked graceful

t Sol, I am looking for your father." Her voice almost

ight for you. What a marvellous dress! And you want to spend your

ra elbowed

im the whole day." Kalsara rested her hands on her waist. Sh

he locked himself up to avoid being a catastrop

I am going to continue looking for my

." He begged when she

we have to l

and he started protesting lo

e isn't coming anywhere near

peace treaty is going well, I a

rt in their worry party. She stopped and t

at least, kno

rned in his mind and

til I have this

l .

is smirked at her, his eyes once

ttt." Sh

his men busted into the ballroom with a bloody piece of cloth in his fist.

st at him but he was off and she h

ou won't make it to the ball. Come,

ut he stopped and stared questionably at Canilus. Slowly people noticed and people from both sides drew their swords, ready to attack. Aurora who w

f this, Canilus?! We s

the tiny piece of cloth at him, white feathers f

d a peace

sed up with blood. He couldn't read the language but he soon realize

nked, there

rong. I didn't do this,

le and claim my Kingdom. I shouldn't have

action. She already got her dagger, she jumped bet

into attack, Sol looked arou

men stopped. Some of Canilus men were a

f such." He patted his body, looking for his s

ok for him! He has my S

tely left the room in

epped back

o this?! You

his fists i

e more than enough warriors to g

om Canilus and sh

at traitor! Nijani, get me some ink and a quill, ride with s

rless, he clenched his fist, sadness swimming in his eyes. Sol

uestioning eyes, he looked away from her and w

We are going for war. I think

ite but before he could say

r smeared with blood and mud. He had something

allenge me, so I broug

oor and it rolled to Sol's boots

ghtening his throat. He felt powerless like the day

challenged mine! Who gave you the right to wage a

Lucius spat bl

's way of acqui

ce!" Sol walked up to Lucius and s

ver Nijani's head, making his attempt greatly flawed. Immediately, Lucius ta

treaty with this? Th

me distance before he stopped

a great sin against

and his smile fell sl

't, I am y

reason lightly." He squ

from Alusa. The day you step foot into this

o this! I am

h, you sei

who was still looking at Sol in surprise and rushed t

er stomach too and she staggered back, losing consiousness. Warriors rushed to them trying to

back. He reached for it and pulled


ot close, he crashed onto the ground and lost consiousness. Kals


of her gown to bind the cut that was gushing wit

cold. His eyes we

e doctor!"

s way, Sire."

me! Aurora, my love, please don't


on the cold bars of the dungeon

sten to me."

soon to carry you with its talons far away from here." She turn

band, my Lord! In love and in force

p! I want you here safe and who to

ng, her face wea

I don't u

eed to know, my red flower, i


another to the royal family has to be by blood o

his parents were my warriors. Auror

ed, her hands rubbing her belly slowly. She casted her eye

fault," Sol

er legs hurt as she w

w is as King and Queen, nothing else.

is his




e memory of the first time he had to look at Alusa from his window kept flashing through his eyes. He could hea

ember that one of them did it! One of those people your

would never forget no matter how he tried. He would neve

s bed. His eyes were dark and the candles in the room melted slowly. He ha

d someone requesting for permission to come in at the door. He gave

oben?" He asked

eaved into one long braid that stoped at his

the food is getting cold and


t different matters and proposals that would be coming up

ome of them are stealing the materials and selling them il

that?" DL questioned, anger bre

t up a committee to investigat

plan to look for experts that deal in building ships."

has being going

o caution in a hushed

the mines are starving and they would do anything to survive. W

e became

rd. You do this to control them but where is that getting you so f

ooked down at the table, her shoulder

jumped in their skin. Clara looked up, a smile tugg

reat ideas and here the crow

s smil

ead. Why not take it right now

tanding." Clara pleaded immediately, her eyes

DL's cold eyes held her gaze. Guards immediately grabbe

when he dropped his goblet

me more about t


a lot of things personally. The stealing at the mines had still not reduced, in fact it inc

l from the looks of things, he might also have to skip lunch but

had taken it to the extreme. He thought of the numerous uprisings and couldn't help but admit that

angement for Clara to be re

her room now receiving medic

they both head

o one knew. I am just thinking, is she perhaps

ll she get that from?"

oom and saw her sl

ong, Doctor

her meals and her body couldn't take it

etable she must follow strictly. For now, she must rest." He p

ing, Rika?" DL rubbed

fiancé, Sure. She is f

to do that. Is that a

er eyes, blink

oben offered with a smile and they left

tention now, Clara?" He aske

just lost my appetite and didn't want to e

sign you someone you can ta

ave then said o

hat you said. If it doesn't work ou

behind a little to tell her a "get well soon

f this was how she would live the rest of her li

happen but st


ne ran straight to DL and grabbed his robes

nce behind him, stil

she hadn't been stopped was his order but her

hissed lowly at her. When she refused, he p

u know how much she wants to live and you tied our lives

h them and stood ri

like" it. Why are you so surprised?" He lifte

but stood up quickly. She charged at him again and he did the same thing, she staggered into the empty space.


she hit a tree instead and her knuck

angrily and left. He watched her leave calmly. The m

occurs, I will have your head." His dark voice felt

d in satisfactio

ile he enjoyed the

hungry?" DL smile

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1 Chapter 1 A Perfect Fit2 Chapter 2 The Knock3 Chapter 3 One Bloody Night4 Chapter 4 Alone5 Chapter 5 First Impressions6 Chapter 6 The Punishment7 Chapter 7 The Past Flashes8 Chapter 8 Blood-Stained Peace9 Chapter 9 Twists and Turns10 Chapter 10 Echoes of the Past11 Chapter 11 Hello, Dragon12 Chapter 12 Complications13 Chapter 13 Tight Spot14 Chapter 14 A Surprise15 Chapter 15 A Reminder16 Chapter 16 Bold Steps 17 Chapter 17 Distractions18 Chapter 18 New Ideas19 Chapter 19 Two Birds20 Chapter 20 On A Bad Foot 21 Chapter 21 Sell a Soul22 Chapter 22 Spill23 Chapter 23 Confusion24 Chapter 24 Well Planned25 Chapter 25 As Planned26 Chapter 26 Too Late27 Chapter 27 The Mad Moon28 Chapter 28 A Trap29 Chapter 29 Swaying Emotions30 Chapter 30 Unexpected Betrayal31 Chapter 31 Decisions32 Chapter 32 A Gift33 Chapter 33 Turned Tables34 Chapter 34 Mother35 Chapter 35 Fading Peace36 Chapter 36 A Strategy37 Chapter 37 Memories Of The Dead38 Chapter 38 A Pick 39 Chapter 39 A Flaming Visit40 Chapter 40 Repeated Conspiracy41 Chapter 41 Proven Worthy42 Chapter 42 A Little Off43 Chapter 43 An Unplanned Mess44 Chapter 44 Necessary Casualties45 Chapter 45 Weak Hurdles46 Chapter 46 Real Side 47 Chapter 47 Unravel48 Chapter 48 Another Stain To The Imperfect49 Chapter 49 Slim Chance50 Chapter 50 A Jittering Flaw51 Chapter 51 Ticking Poison Bomb52 Chapter 52 Plotholes In The Poison Game53 Chapter 53 Sneaky Ways54 Chapter 54 Turn Of Events55 Chapter 55 Pulling Strings56 Chapter 56 A Stagger From Oblivion57 Chapter 57 A Glimpse Of Something Wicked58 Chapter 58 Flickers Of Unplanned59 Chapter 59 Duck For The Shooting Mess60 Chapter 60 Too Fast A Pace61 Chapter 61 How Does Your Medicine Taste 62 Chapter 62 A Bitter Pill To Swallow63 Chapter 63 Death's Flamming Jaws64 Chapter 64 Beware, She Is Unstable!65 Chapter 65 Flirty Insanity66 Chapter 66 Ticking Suspicion67 Chapter 67 All Shades Of Sketchy68 Chapter 68 To A Certain Uncertain69 Chapter 69 A Little Visit70 Chapter 70 Switching Identity71 Chapter 71 Sprouting Rebellions72 Chapter 72 On Repeat