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Broken Land

Chapter 5 Situations

Word Count: 994    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

ood silently, thinking of the possibility of Arumin being a whisperer but that was impossible. Even in the histories where it was recorded that harnessers

to glowing coals. The Ngapa refrained from using Shandar for lighting. It was too sacred, too

glancing at Monama from the side of his eye.

unstable to be certain of anything. It would be prudent not to jump into conclusions.” Mona

want to know why you have come now after being away for so long.” He said, his face cle

id and nodded reassuringly to Fonati. He turned to look ba

a new fire, a new motivation. It seems their new leader has his father’s talent for causing discord. A good number of the upper Zakanmi support him and I hear he is a whisperer. Most of the lower Zakanmi, the broken landers have openly denounced him and his cause. He conti

ad so much filth in him, it bled even to his offspring. The other chiefs and the royal e

ls as is expected. Thing about these rebels is they no longer behave in the uncoordinated manner they used to. They have gained a sense of discipline and order that worries me and they have too many hideouts that it bites my mind to ponder on all of them. And of course, there is Ohano spreading the goat’s droppings he calls religion and people are embracing it vigorously, reviving the cursed doctrines that Zataru claimed he was bestowed with. Especially in Famka and in the city of kings itself. You cannot take three steps without seeing one, vomiting nonsense about the earth mother and eternal harmony. If you throw a stone in the city of kings

tary in the entire Kambila. Our soldiers are disciplined and competent with no fear in them. It more than makes up for the lack of harne

in my mind, Monama.” He said

o the feast now, eh? Getting drunk would be the right thing to do on a harvest night like this

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