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Rewriting the stars

Chapter 3 Sky is back

Word Count: 2014    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

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not going to let him go. They were going to make sure t

ay from them so they won't noti

rt to pick up his brother and someone had walked into him while he was waiting Wait... isn't

ught you were abroad" Derrick said.

e must be someone who knows him....but he couldn't remember w

er him? "It's been only two years.....how can you not remember me?

m but since he says that he attends Ken

look for him. He had to leave this place now or they were going to see him soon. "I'm real

suits. Derrick immediately understood what was going on. Those people were probably trying to find Sky..but he does

"How do you know

I can help you" Derrick said. It's not as if he really wanted to pic

immediately controlled himself.

my brother but I really don't want to do i

tch up with him anytime soon . "Alrig

rrick said. Sky got closer to hi

this is going to wo

m a pro when it comes to runn

ck to this place. It meant that he had to continue to

ure for him she just won't leave him alone. Every single

his father was sitting in t

d at her without saying a word. She was already used to this

g to his father and st

you are doing?" Felix,

..I'm going to my room to rest" Mike said. He completely ig

Felix asked. He really didn't like the fact that Lucas treated Vanessa like this. she is do

n't see my mother here" Lucas said. His father can try all he wants..he isn't going to acce

oing to stop throwing tantrums like a child? For goodness sake you are

is father. I am never going to accept your wife as m

ven know how hard she is trying to play the role

never a time when you treated my mother as your wife...so w

s giving him. "What?! Why do you hate Vanessa so much? Do you still think that she

left. "It's not her fault? You cheated on your wife with her...and it's still not her fault? I really don't want to

nessa...that my son keeps acting this way to you. I know that you are a very

going to give up on Mike....I'm going to keep trying...until he finally opens his

e. He had helped Sky leave the airport and by the time that he came back his brother's plane has already landed. He prayed th

on as he entered the house his father, bro

saving him now. These peopl

id you go to? You left Xander all alone.....what if something had happened to him? What if he had lo

six months....how can he possibly lose his way? Leav

rport so that you could bring Xander back ho

...what happened?" Xander asked looking scared. But deep down, he

rick said..he couldn't tell them that

son? Marcus what is the meaning of this? Your bring the son of that mistress of yours

o way he would win against the

hey said that he was going to finish high school and colle

until you finished high school and college...why did you come back

t he found out what happened right? He thought that his mother

t to find out about it he would be very mad at Xander. There was no telling what he will do to him once he gets m

n came back because he wanted to come back! Were you hoping for him to stay abroad so you can take what belongs to him? I'm telling yo

as all the more convinced now that Xander and his mother were hiding

nue to talk to me this way?! My son came back because he wanted to....why

making it seem as if I did something wrong?" Xander sai

nything...why are acting lik

this way!" Xander said. He was only six months older than him but still...! He is older than him. He should give him the respect that he deserve

y mind. Our company is here after all. He is going to take over the company after college...so he should learn how things work here instead of wasting time in a school abroad. And so I hav


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