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54-40 or Fight


Word Count: 1310    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

rgive a liberty, r


ered my darky boy lying on his back, fast asleep under a tree, the bridle reins hooked over his upturne

igure of an erstwhile friend of mine, Jack Dandridge, of Tennessee, credited with being the

in to one specialty, to-wit: the compounding of a certain beverage, invented by himself, the constituent parts of which were Bourbon whiskey, absinthe, square faced gin and a dash of eau de vie. This concoction, over which few shared his own personal enthusiasm, he ha

ure only a trifle portly. Socially he had been well received in our city, and during his stay east of the mountains he had found occasion to lay desperate suit to the hand of none other than Miss Elisabeth Churchill. We had b

nd have a Dream. I have just invented a

shoulder, "you are the man I want. You

I move you the previous question. Will you have a Dream with me? I construct th

for me, I need all my head to-day. In

e upon the table, to call an attendant, but he tu


One api

erhaps. In any

ames-or at

of myself. "You know Mi

ly. "And about

said I; "I have but little knowledge

eyes, and gave a long wh

looked him squ

end of Mr. Polk, of my state. Calhoun is neither Whig nor Democrat. He does no

" I answered. "The fa


ich by this time had been placed

my little room at my quarters in Brown's Hotel-a slipper wh

er of his glass at a gulp

pper, go to this address with it"-I scrawled on a piece of paper and thrust it at him-"then get a carr

musement and amazement both

un's office. Then I am to take his message, which will send me to Canada, to-n

and dropped to the


s very morning not to wait. I would ask

get a parson-how'll Doctor Halford do?-and I'd take care of

ave only one thing more to ask"-I pointed to the s

ow together for the license clerk, and I intrusted the proper document in my friend's hands. An i

saw his well-known form approaching. He walked slowly, somewhat stooped upon his cane. He r

out well with th

hing. "Not so badly for

ur own intended, I congratulate you. But I suggest that you keep Miss Elisabeth

certainly is my personal i

t," said Calhoun sharply-all

at," I began. His han

will take the railway train at eight. You will be joined by Doctor Samuel Ward, who will give you a se

love silliness were out of your head. It is not myself you are


with your wedding, if you will, and if you can;

nor did I see him again th

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