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Engaged To Two Billionaires

Chapter 2 Dad, I'm Already Engaged To Someone

Word Count: 2012    |    Released on: 30/05/2022

air. Zeta's stomach growled upon perceiving the tantalizing aroma of the food. She quickly rushed the fish dish served at the table. She loves fish dis

tries to make a fish dish for her whenever she's chan

es and drizzled soft wine in the goblets b

d culinary skills; I must commend her. Are you the one t

ng back, I had to employ a chef with high culinary skills. I kno

t. I was dead craving to eat one since I was in Singapore. Although I grew accust

hed a lovely smile at Zeta and sai

ally, Enzo was trying to maintain his table manner, which is expected of a noble. Deep within him, h

caught off guard by Rosa's beauty. She resembled Aurora a little. She had sparkling emerald eyes like Aurora and was precisely the same height as Aurora. That day, Rosa unknowingly bumped into Enzo when she was looking for the best clothes to get for her nephew. Emba

ed for Zeta like her own daughter. Looking at the tw

who's sitting close to him. Rosa glanc

a asked. Enzo looked at her; a smile hovered on his lips. He nodded and answered," you should know

Although Enzo is rich, he doesn't inculcate a lazy attitude in his daughter. At Zeta's early age, he had started teaching her what the business

sity, Zeta was very popular. People liked to have social intercourse with her due to her brilliance and politeness. Only a few

riended, and the love of her life is Bryan Tan, a popular travel

a graduate of business management, I will help in the little ways

a would insist on venturing into another business, but his heart leaped with joy upon hearing this. At least, now that Zeta spouted this,

I have longed for you to help me augment Enzo Winery Ltd. And as God may have it, you are highly intellige

iled and finalized in his heart that it was time to tell Zeta about his plans. Thus he continued, "absolute

. "Congratulations, dad! Who could have thought you could successfully sign a contract with the Ferrari family that thousands of investors all o

she smiled and asked, "your f

. Dad, you are super amazing!" Zeta stood up and embraced her father. Enzo's heart was leaping with jo

gst themselves. Although Enzo Moretti, their master, has an insanel

's win is equally their win. His pain was indirectly their pain. And those that experience this mostly ar

that her father and aunt were truly nice to the servants to

plate, clasped his hands together, and straightened his back before voicing out once more, "so

thought inwardly, 'who's going to get married? Is her fath

eta to see her reaction. However, the girl maintained her movements. She wasn't to

maybe she's just pretending. Enzo said to himself inwardly. He arched his brow and looked Zeta in

e stared wide-eyed at her father, laughed l

o a smile, and he nodd

Wait! Dad signed a marriage contract between me and the Ferrari f

on industry. Not only that, I want to cahoot with the Ferrari family to expand our wine company, with their help, our company will

her. 'This is strange. I'm already engaged to Bryan Tan. Dang, it! I should have let my father

to be a travel blogger, thus, right when he was in Curtin university in the travel department, he established a popular blog where he writes about different places to explore around the world. However, consequent to

mself. He became enamored of Zeta right from that day, and as time passed by, he asked Zeta to be his lover. The two of

ceded his proposal in hope's that she will te

ment with Bryan Tan, Zeta mustered the courage to break the news. She slowly lifted her o

usly dropped the spoon; this made a clattering noise that echoed in the dining room. Enzo tilted his head and glan

and answered, "to Bryan Tan. He has been my boyfriend all this period I was in Singapore. H

the daughter he raised. Zeta would nev


and splattered on the floor. The servants that were standing there shook in horror. They hav

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1 Chapter 1 Is It Him 2 Chapter 2 Dad, I'm Already Engaged To Someone 3 Chapter 3 I Have Crossed The Rubicon 4 Chapter 4 I Heard That Bitch Traveled To Italy.5 Chapter 5 What Matters Is For Zeta To Look Her Best Tonight 6 Chapter 6 Dad Never Stops To Amaze Me 7 Chapter 7 Is He Massimo 8 Chapter 8 I'm Sorry I'm Engaged To Another.9 Chapter 9 Yes, Let's Make The Engagement Official 10 Chapter 10 You!11 Chapter 11 Have You Informed Your Dad About Us 12 Chapter 12 Are You Trying To Deny The Effect I Have On You 13 Chapter 13 Isn't This Desmond Ferrari 14 Chapter 14 You Look Quite Sexy Tonight 15 Chapter 15 I'm Proud Of You Zeta.16 Chapter 16 Awwww, Thanks A Lot17 Chapter 17 Who Are You Jealous Of 18 Chapter 18 Just For A While.19 Chapter 19 She's Still A Puny.20 Chapter 20 Did you just call me grumpy 21 Chapter 21 So Full Of Yourself.22 Chapter 22 Don't Play With Fire, I'm Warning You.23 Chapter 23 How Dare You Claim Me 24 Chapter 24 He Has To Pay.25 Chapter 25 Lies! Upon Lies, Zeta.26 Chapter 26 Strippers Club 27 Chapter 27 Go Get Yourself A Man!!28 Chapter 28 I Love Her Thinking.29 Chapter 29 You're Different Zeta.30 Chapter 30 Am I Really 31 Chapter 31 Am I Ugly 32 Chapter 32 You Overworked Yourself.33 Chapter 33 Because Massimo Is The Heir...34 Chapter 34 I'm An All-rounder.35 Chapter 35 I'm In Italy, Zeta.36 Chapter 36 He Has Claimed Me37 Chapter 37 You're Still My Fiancée Zeta38 Chapter 38 She Loves Someone Else 39 Chapter 39 Just Know I'll Take You Down Myself.40 Chapter 40 So Are You 41 Chapter 41 Just Give Me A Fellatio!42 Chapter 42 I Know You Feel Me Too. 43 Chapter 43 I Want To Worship You.44 Chapter 44 Feel How Wet I Am.45 Chapter 45 What's With The Look 46 Chapter 46 I'm Ready Now.47 Chapter 47 She's Engaged To Me!48 Chapter 48 I Love You Zeta. 49 Chapter 49 He's With A Woman!50 Chapter 50 It's Really You, Desmond. 51 Chapter 51 Who Are They 52 Chapter 52 Domenico Black Is Back 53 Chapter 53 Who Is This Mr.Tan 54 Chapter 54 I'm Waiting 55 Chapter 55 Who's This 56 Chapter 56 You're My Bait Ms. Moretti.57 Chapter 57 Untie Me!!58 Chapter 58 You Dare Bit Me 59 Chapter 59 Black Is An Illegitimate Moretti.60 Chapter 60 You Look Stunning Tonight. 61 Chapter 61 Zeta's Mine!62 Chapter 62 We Shall See!63 Chapter 63 I'm Engaged To Two Men!!64 Chapter 64 No! I Came To Revenge!65 Chapter 65 A Ring!!66 Chapter 66 It's Far From Over Massimo67 Chapter 67 She Kissed Me Back. 68 Chapter 68 She Has A Hand In This 69 Chapter 69 Oh My, He's Handsome.70 Chapter 70 Then Go Rough. 71 Chapter 71 What Do You Want Done 72 Chapter 72 Cancel The Contract 73 Chapter 73 Wedding! 74 Chapter 74 So, Why Should I Bother 75 Chapter 75 Spill The Beans 76 Chapter 76 Will I Die 77 Chapter 77 Get My Jet Ready. 78 Chapter 78 How's It Going 79 Chapter 79 You've Tasted Him Already 80 Chapter 80 The Woman Closest To My Heart 81 Chapter 81 Because I Love You 82 Chapter 82 You Taste 83 Chapter 83 I Need You.84 Chapter 84 Not Begged To Be Loved. 85 Chapter 85 That's My Plan. 86 Chapter 86 Worst Enemy 87 Chapter 87 Babe, marry me. 88 Chapter 88 I Know Everything Now.89 Chapter 89 Time To Say Goodbye 90 Chapter 90 He Has Him Now!!91 Chapter 91 He Just Can't Die.92 Chapter 92 We Lost Him. 93 Chapter 93 Your Father's Last Wish. 94 Chapter 94 Marry Me Tomorrow!95 Chapter 95 Zeta's Abduction. 96 Chapter 96 We Finally Got Married!!97 Chapter 97 Why Am I Here 98 Chapter 98 Faster! 99 Chapter 99 Choose Me. 100 Chapter 100 They Want To Evade