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 Looking For My Fugitive Wife

Looking For My Fugitive Wife


Chapter 1 The first meeting at a hotel

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 30/05/2022


eceptionist's eyes appeared a person wearing sunglasses, wearing a thin suit of a yo

breath, and walked forward, his ring finger wearing a shiny, glamo

howed a professional smile politely s

n took off his sunglasses, a small

receptionist glanced around at the gl

y heaven knows this is her first time staying in a hotel. She was worried th

eptionist handed her the room card, a

hing else you

gathered the courage to say: "Find me a man u

was taken aback, smiled

glanced at him, in a sad mood, not just calling a duck. Why worry? But why is my face

y mean happiness." The receptionist and a few others laugh

ts were once again attracted to the newcomer. The man that appeared before his eyes w

yes, even the way he w

istol, smiling. The door seemed to

ips slightly lifted, the receptionists seeme

sness, hurriedly took the room card, and po

out looking at the girls, walked stra

showed a series of phone numbers, on the other side, came a man's fl

said these two words,

is charming image glanced in the mi

Looking at the hot face in front of the mirror, he secretly scolded in his heart

eating very fast, and the fac

. A dark room shone on her. Not seeing ea

was pushed open. In the darkness,

is indeed a five-star hotel

llowed." Lam Tu H

le surprised. Only a second passed, steady

id: "You do this every day, you certainly have a lot of experience, I don't understand this mark

, seeing that he didn't open his mouth, took off the diamond ring on his little finger, and brough

The palm of his hand subconsciously probed into the center of his bl

ched the diamond necklace around Turkey's neck, this was a meeti


e hotel, the best service, it doesn't have to be

h?" The frame of the gu

his hand around his waist, shook

but, in the following moments, her body was pushed onto the big bed, her firm body pressed. The pressure-packed, ru

ement. His limbs struggled and struggled

irst?" Could you give her a

and aggressively kisse

to complain to you!" Lam Tu Han wailed loudly, pushing

h, and she let out a scream, increasing the strength of her

s not good. I want


lded tiredly, the other man also stopped

body, and he was satisfied, c

rned on the bed to get dressed, hurriedly ran out

anicked and ran away. In the darkness, the corners of

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