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Author: xiuvi123

Chapter 1 BEGIN

Word Count: 1177    |    Released on: 29/05/2022

and as she went deep inside, she was tied up on a stone table. Blood flowed from her b

ho were waiting, their skin pale with cold eyes

s, And since he's a non-pure vampire, is he worthy of us calling him up?" Sara looked a

I want to follow Sara back, this wet place is disgusting to

he had to do this, so he had to say it to reassure those around him. The voice w

ited for about ten more minutes, she didn't l

non-pure vampire, he still ca

the girl on the stone table stopped screaming and lay still. By the look of it, she knew the girl was dead, the blood was no long


n, from the stone table it cracked an

niversity in th

e professor will make

n the corridor, runnin

wait for

it to class in time. Laura is a cute girl with a round face, she has long black hair with a smile on he

after settling down on the chair, finally let out a s

let's go to the bar. I want to

ngth sat up straight and looked at La

don't want your parents to know. And I can't

unny to her playful friend, she

heard that and was not sad,

id it was urgent. Besides, it's going t

led and told S

nly a freshman in colle

look of regret. Laura is the only child in the family, her parents are very wor

e bar together." Laura smiled at Sara lying on the

you pro

cher had arrived. Laura silently listened to the teacher's lecture, L

ens her parents have on her. The weekend came very quickly, Laura booked the car and went home. Her home was

el tired, but instead pulled her suitcase out of th

ts, I'

put her suitcase upstairs and went to the bac

kends, her parents will stay at home to take care o

black suit and an umbrella. Laura immediately sensed danger, she grab


g anything. With her face as white as someone with albinism, Laur

definitely suit the young maste

ed. Laura's chills ran down her spine, she thr

a. What's wrong wit

diately grabbed her to hold her and asked, Laura was startled and almost pushed her f

father just went over there to help. You are tired from the car, so

uch a thing could happen, so he c

quickly it wasn't sunny and it wasn't raining, so he didn't have to

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