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Word Count: 3278    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

Wilson you mentions, once. If I does, the fact's done p

drifted to Arizona many years before and disappeared. Suggesting "Wilson" to the Old Ca

frequently needed but a slight blow from the rod of casual inquiry

t speakin' of Wilson puts in my mind a gent by the name of Wilkins

t Wilkins?

, I don't reckon. It's Wilkins's daughter who is the only redeemin' thing about the ol

herdin' 'round Wolfville when I first trails in. I never does know where he hails from. I don't reckon' though, he ever grades no w

with pride to wound. It ain't no use neither. I knows folks as works, an' folk

en he makes this remark, an' who is fussin' with

ccount. Go read your Scriptures; read that bluff about feedin' the young ravens an' sparrers. Wel

ng on Holy Writ, nohow

hat a-way. It's your

goes soopreme as to

, keeps camp for him. No one knows her well. She stays on her reservation mighty close, an' never seems visible much. I

They has a tired, broke-down look, like somehow she's been packed more'n

kins, when we're all in the Red Light takin' our fort

rmit a young female to suffer, an' I pauses yere to add, it ain't goin' to occur no more. Yesterday, allowin' to bushwhack some trooth about 'em, I waits till old Wilkins drifts over to the corral, a

see him spes

now,"' says the girl, "

nce 'round some an' find him fo

d a whole lot; an', comin' down to the turn, Wilkins an' that girl ain't got nothin' to eat. The question now is, what action does Wolfville 'naugerat

erin' to stake a lady, who's lost her money somehow, back in St. Looey once. This yere female was strange to me entire, but if she'd knowed me from 'way back she couldn't a-blazed up more frightful. The minute I pulls my bankroll on her, she goes cavortin' off too hostile to tal

to find somethin' for this yere lady to do. Any gent

es his sozodont, an' gets it. If he pays cash, all right; if he wants credit, all right. "You names your day to drink, an' you names your day to pay," is my motto, as you-alls knows. This bein' troo, onder present e

ain't ripe for keepin' books as yet. Things like that has to be come to by degrees. I've knowed a heap

urns, 'thar's enough said,

oubts can step over an' test my box, which he'll find all comfortable on the layout awaitin' his convenience. It ain't been usual for me to blow my own bazoo to any extent, an' I only does it now as bein' preliminary to the statement that my game ain't no deadfall, an' is one as a respe

e bare mention. The fact is, I thinks of somethin' sim'lar, but has to give it up. I figgers, first dash out o' the box, that a safe, easy trail to high ground is to give her a table an' let her deal a little stud for the boys. This yere wouldn't be no resk, an' the rake is a shore thing for nine or ten dollars a night. Bein' a benev'lence, I knows the boys w

e as about that Yallerhouse gent, might be an ondefeasible way to get at t

, as Enright says, the're out of chuck up his way, I reckons I'll lose a small

c, mighty gay an' genial,

rnery,' sa

a little wager th

want to gamble a

I do gamble at. S'pose I goes you ten dollars's worth o

ot no ten dollars, an' what's the use? None of you-alls ain't got no Red Light whiskey- chips you ain't

eyes, an' more'n usual shaky, so we give

bet you offers, Doc,' says Tutt,

u bet money, so I gets what I wants with it? It's my money when I wins. Mebby I don't want no grub. Mebby I wants clothes or whi

t a-way, so thar's nothin' for it but to give

n't like for to go home till I'm better, an' scare Sue. I reckon I'l

e notices him for about twenty minutes, when

e an' cut out your stuff.' "The old man acts like he don't hear,

gone to sleep fo

at his eye, a-openin' of it with his finger. Finally he

all. 'He ain't tryin' to work

mbug neither. Gents, I'm blessed if this yer

him, an' Doc has called the turn. Sh

ins, as he most likely is ahead on the deal; but what gets me is how to break the news t

nright begins tellin' her mighty soft as how her paw is took bad down to the Red

hen cripples down alongside o

it hard, Miss, thar ain't a gent don't give you sympathy. What you do now is stay right yere, an' the camp'll tend to the funeral, an' put it up ri

son. He somehow is strayed, an' happens along our way, an' we gets him squar' in the door. He jumps in an' gives them ceremonies a scientific whirl as ain't possible nohow to amatures. All

s. Not waitin' to learn its name, even, I'm directed to

e States,' says the girl,

ed play we arranges to borrow a small herd from Tombstone, an' can do it too easy. Then, ag'in, a night-school would hit our needs right; say one night

irl couldn't th

irst kyards off the deck. You needs time to line up your affairs, an' am likewise wrung with

due in the States. She says things is all right thar. She has friends a

kons you'll go, so thar's nothin' for us to do but settle up an' fork over s

one owes her paw, ''cause he's

mighty ferocious. 'We onderstands well enou

prompt an' cheerful. 'We-alls owes for his nailin' the

doubtful. You wouldn't if you knowed this camp. It's the last outfit on earth as would go an' give money to people. It's a go

r a gent to pay debts, without stamped

e Red Light an' get the dust, an' I reckons we'll be back in an hour. I s

buck, he pulls out a paper an' makes a bluff. 'Yere it is,-four hundred an' ninety-three dollars an' seve

figger- -which I wants to say right yere, Doc Peets is the ab

nks us, an' the next day she takes the stage for Tucson. We

all could manage to kiss this yere outfit once apiece, Miss, it would be regarded. You needn't

all, a- sobbin' meantime some free. As the affection pro

hrows off on that thar little Sue girl, she wi

says Cherokee, 'I sa

Sue girl like she's a hot flat-

herd on the play. When it comes his turn he kisses he

e a-startin', Cherokee

gs the way you expects. Now, you remember, shore; whatever game's bein' turned back thar, if it goes ag'i

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