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Apocalypse: Chasing Dawn

Chapter 7 Monsters in the Way

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 27/05/2022

down to the basement. Before they left, Vincent

y leave the research institute along the old path. But a

. Although it can't be of much help, at least Sunny will

persuaded, Vincent's group had

ill did not forget to warn her: "This t


the basement. With each passing minute, Sunny's heart beat faster than before. The ele

e was danger ahead, they nev

embering the moment when she came back to life, the fir

fe and death, anyone would

ses to 0, then the letters count down according to the Alpha board.

ed the pause button, causing the door to stand still.

as doing. She pulled another alarm from her po

ely understood the problem. The undead was attracted by th

ndead living in the basement, it would be c

right away." Vincent nodded to assure Sunny, that he was

of the alarm and threw it out forcefully. The bell immediately made a noise,

veloped everything

t to be a safe place, the corners of

raised his hand to his lips,

y as possible. Vincent took the lead to bring everyone close to the

from afar came the sound of clattering footsteps. The so

spoke up after he counted the n

t a zombie! Can't you hear

bies only moved on the ground, so what was cl

ster gradually appears under the light of the piggy bank. It takes the form of a spid

The mucus released from its mouth is milky white like goat's milk and is the tool th

the ground where the

loud bang, then th

were fragments of a siren. The monster only need

nster appeared. It was she who called it out

ourself, did you?" Vinc

tting that she had caused a ruckus just now. But if she hadn't, they'

es the zombies, there was this

essor Tadhg and senior Gwyn create? Why isn't the

t's blocking our w

utant spider, they couldn't. The only path leadin

om, you must pass

ill thinking about the plan in his head. Judging from the ch

rection like before?" Suddenly Sunny

ibly even causing heavy casualties to the whole team. The best way she could think o

ells left?" One of Vince

were needed to buy time. After they reached the laboratory

y monsters in that short time so

ok her he

hang on her backpack, but here she only

ng girl's shake of the head. Because th

arm system. If this system can be activated, it will create an ext

wards the fire alarm system. And Sunny and the othe

e cold pass through her skin. However, her body was n

y to the other side of the room. It seems that Sunny was holding her breath while watching his every ste

both hands. The sound of sirens rang in the sky, a

in water. Through the dense water, Sunny coul

en going. Somehow the spider became crazy, it mov

ess of the giant spider became. Its sharp legs

teammates' shelter. Sunny couldn't sit still anymore, she ignored th

ll quickly open the door for everyone.

d out, running to where Vincent was str

st as possible towards the door leading to the research room. With the fastest spee

open, Sunny happily shou

l everyone, a horrifying scene happen

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