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The Woman He Broke

Chapter 4Ā Being Late

Word Count: 1223 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 27/05/2022


s I had told you!' Migue

g to work in a graveyard filled with people but you also have to

a polo over his bare chest, "All that mattered right now is that after six months of working so hard as an ant and getting p

ed everything to him and his family as well for having me all

eing that it was Sunday evening and it wouldn

lothes and as many aprons as possible or go out for a drink or two. Bil

.." I stopped upon remembering something, "My car i

fixed already."

easons with me why I didn't want to, "Miguel, can we go some other day, my first day at work is tomorro

mind, not now, not ever." He said in a firm voic

n't listen, "Where are we goi

letting go of my arm and inserting the car key into the

What am I even thinking? My entire body is in gruesome pain

verywhere was bright and my heart began to beat in a random painful and scary manner. I quic

fast I sat up and it made me su

Miguel!" I hissed, recalling how he made me take shots last night

hit the little toe on my foot on the edge of the be

d on the toe that was hurt. It hurts like hell. I managed to

into that?" I asked myself runni

ay, thanks to Miguel and grabbed my bag containing my laptop

and dashed out of my room to the stai


he could finish off his greeting and bega

e igniting the car. I was driving as fast a

the company and lucky enough, there was an empty spot

grabbed my bag from it. I ran l

ned to the direction of the voice to see my interviewer standi

a stupid thought played in my mind. Wha

yelled in frustration, thro

last night. Clearing my throat, I adjusted my hold on my bag, "I

go to your

ing sound of heels hitting in a slow rhythmical manner and some

f would put you through. I need to go." She said and began to walk but suddenly stop

er brown hair tied up so tight that I feared it would hurt. I couldn't see her face as her back was to me but s

ady's face was towards me and her bro

he looked scary, No, she was scary. She had an oval face with a sharp jawline and the area around her eyes looked d

ke something

man. I must say, she caused an unp

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