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Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1355    |    Released on: 31/05/2022


he car was brooding. We all kept our thoughts to ourselve

e lunch, seeing that I had not eaten anyt

aving lunch he

u had sex with

and cough so hard th

ack while Sheila tried to

dad when my cough subsided a little. "I just want to kn

ip to use. I can't believe he still wants to b

question dad and am

I wasn't gonna answer him. Am sure he'll try and

nswer. I know she won't answer him either. He should be grateful am g

s still trying to make me presentable but I refused to wear the

g as he checked the time on his wrist watch. I guess the mafia Lor

arked outside and I knew instantly that they were her

was unperturbed. I know for a fact that

and some were sitting down on the couch. I also saw m

started laughing so hysterically and I st

n?" Another one of t

the mafia Lord that had everyone loo

one after the other until my eyes met his and I gasped and shivered

hill that came over me when my blue eyes met with

s actually the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. He has

cheekbones and well sculptured face that makes him look like a model on the runway. Then his mus

ring. I hope he doesn't hate me already because he's going to thin

w he was scr

name? he aske

him again. I cant bear to get on his bad side

of his voice as he mentioned my name. i never knew my name could

d." I said tryin

don't have time to waste on unnecessary formalities. let's get

her to his office. I assume they want to sign

ving my belongings from my father's car to one of th

essful or not. I guess they already know that once t

wants, he always gets

a carefree life and gamble recklessly. He was su

lost half of his wealth gambling and this guy beat him to the pos

e got into a fight recently and my mum cried silently. I guess she didn'

e to hug him because my new owner would be coming down soon. I whispered in his ear, urging hi

d to fall but I held it in. if I cried now, my mum would not be able to contr

e fine and I promised to come and

alked out with so much poise and chari

looking at my family to see their pain. "He's trul

dy. I just have to keep praying for th

lowed but my legs refused to move.

eared me away from my mum's grip as he pulled me out, wi

orgotten as I felt a nice and warm feeling that so amazing. This feeling

was clouded with lust as he gazed down at me. "Maybe he felt

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