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Miserable Substitute Wife

Chapter 2 Serve me

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 21/05/2022


ed about me!” My speech is hushe

ot sure why he felt compelled to bring me here. I

s and I were discussing earlier?

what he was about to say. I took a step back

at what I had done. I took note

ed as he yanked my hair b

he locked his gaze on m

ith you!" His voice became increasingl

wards the headboard. He made large stride


ng and was immediately surrounded

-do?” I trembled

ayed frigid on me — no, on my body. His

the one I met. He was a far cry

ontinued to probe him, I couldn't bring mysel

n serving me." His voice was

im, still forcing my

with my arms, perhaps my body w

me to force you

r to him. Because of what he did, I completel

h of his knees. His furious manhood was p

t like it. I don’t know when he will remove

d is what he c

own and accidentally

on. It looks to be twisted but shortl

e tears. I have the feeling that his 'soldier' is becoming more hard. This is the first

handle it well," he remarked when his black ey

h this. I'm going to accept everything. Something was

do what you want," I s

ain, causing me to face u

is and leaned against me. H

d my eyes, my tear

my steamy mouth. He rubbed my cheek into the back of

gues and I tasted his mint saliva. It's both hot and chi

e into space. After he saw my sensitivity to what we were doing, he let go of my hai

tioned mockingly. "Today, I'm striving to guara

e squeezed my buttocks, ca

with my cock to indica

oudly. He released his grip on

of following what he urged. I crept onto the headboard and knelt the

elf for the reason I am

shaking. "… Good girl, you're

elt a warm voice on my neck and hand on my

ands slid down my

ighter as one of his fingers entered my hole.

d, squeezing his finger against my nippl

n't help but l

ensitive here," he whispered as he l

hould I use my hand and pinch them non

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