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Special (demons reincarnation)

Chapter 6 Back to been encaged

Word Count: 1483    |    Released on: 19/05/2022


retched while still la

er strength. She was still healing. The spell was very strong and it wa

mbered what the wizard told her, "When you're i

'' she

nd just then she heard the dungeon's gate creak open. She

een Anna said and watched

and squirted to her level. She couldn't see her face cl

! she o

tting waiting for food. she gro

fine he lost his memory and you are here,

nd powerless witch, '' she shouted an

forever remain this way, '' she gave out

formidable animal, you should see it as a privilege


e corner of her eyes. She w

r and stood up straightening her dress. S

she held the heavy

en, how was she imprisoned, she must have been powerful, right? D

rs but how does sh

on his bed and was facing upwards. He roamed his

called a

is charming face. with a smile plastered on her

ed. "you're awake

y, '' he replied and Queen Anna placed he

fine son, you look pa

in? she asked, scrutinizi

pale had I run away from home," he jo

health, you've been bedridden for weeks

't let him see her pain. It was a grea

curling his

, she gasped but quickly


' he panicked, staring at his mom

telling me," he creased his brows

ding something from him. Why isn't she sayin

ometime searching for idea

ighed and stared at him glumly,

Abel kissed him which.., no no that's too childish. what if s


tuttered. She walked to the wall and presse

n then the prince and she continued

smiled at Jeiel and asked. anyth

e said with a wave of his

ons? a glitter of guilt ran past her

threatening to drop with the bac

u just laying there lifeless. I thought you weren't gonna make it, she broke do

y when I killed the evil wizard king. I fe

from the hug and star

can remember, son, ''

..., arghhhhh, Jeiel yelled and gr

me, '' Queen Anna said, holding his hands. she was sca

ing? Do they know he's



ilently as the doctor

hen he was her healing aid. He was so angry at Anna but had to control it. he closed his eyes and bre

r said there's a possibility he remembers ev

d. she whimpered, staring at hi

is okay, '' he said and walked away l

needs some time alone, ''

efully. She covered him up with a duvet and

ard what happened to the prince was battl

t something bad to happen to the prince, Queen Anna who

en, Abe

' Queen Anna said and walked away while A


coronation day Octa

st powerful witches in the kin

something is not right, Octavi

ng. Sylvia walked up to her, pl

ting for the coronation and it's just a few weeks f

ylvia rolled her eyes and sat down watching her borin

was the same way I felt when dad died in a war but nobody took what I s

ust fine,trust me, '' Sylvia said

gloomy face. please.., she po

ght S

amed, kissing

his.., I se

r, '' she said, dr

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