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The Pearls of Love

The Pearls of Love


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 885    |    Released on: 18/05/2022


s ears. The ocean swirled, the waves clasped together, and touched his feet before it retreated. Across his head, a host of sparrows flew in unison, which caused him to stare upwa

use. The beach house was secluded from the noisy city. Smaller beach houses, six of them scattered around the beach, lodged guests who came to visit th

n his legs did an emergency brake and a complete U-turn a few distances from her. She wore a fedora hat and a pinkish short town top gown. Her chocolate skin glowed! Her

e is Shane,

tephanie here,"

ed to her, "Nice, so do you res

?" Stephanie said,

years since I've seen any beauti

t. You're a handsome man yourself. Did you say years? Tha

So how long are you here for, and ar

n intelligent way to

said, enjoying throwing him off balance. "You should run along now.

n ice cream, but it seemed like he was

me together, perhaps one when the vi

sider it.

place in his eyes again. Now he understood what she was enjoying. No

but stopped to stare momentarily at two rocking chairs, which seemed like ghosts o

tonight?" Mrs. Jane Griffin asked. He simply waved h

e pleasant ringing of the windchimes awakened him. Five thirty a:m he squinted at the lights emitting from his phone

but in reality, it was really Kane, his older brother. Kane had the more manly look compared to his

y? What do you plan on doing

the ghost behind. "If you insist on knowing,

looking for a silly coat. By the time he arrived at the shore of the ocean, only a pair of sneakers had awaited him. Shane, his little brother, had

and screamed at the ocean

ength to pick up the sneakers. The waves came close to him but di

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