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Under Her Spell

Chapter 8 The proposal

Word Count: 1242    |    Released on: 20/05/2022

really am” he stopped her as s

m ever since she left home with her aunt and parents, crossin

to see Cedric in such a flas

ing?” Aurora's mom aske

kind meek, nice and I won't forget - a damsel. The first day I found you I fell in love with your character. I know

but I choose you out of all because you are special and accepted me

t I am, that's why I disguised as a villa

ght but like I said I lost it” he chuckled a bit, tears cou

I lied” he told them

ause I want to ask you something

cess”He proposed to her and opened the ring case he bought

her said then she hugged her aunt, she lo

up to him

to me, how c

at I won't ever lie to you

eaks a pinky promise” Dieg

ng on her middle finger, they didn't know there was

tightly. Prince Cedric noti

ief” he whispered and she

y s

e I bought for you” he

e either way” she retorted and they laughed, they fina

en you won't buy me the drink ag

saying when Cedr

so back off” he sai


him where they went to, he was also reliev

house and her parents serv

everyone the wedding is cancelled” aurora's

turn out like thi

m happy for au

ng and Queen, boring in the sense that they were groaning at interval.

re saved when princ

ve got g

odness” king

talk to the prince now after you'll br

ever” queen

nger left, the

ught it'll be difficult, then I had a plan! Then th

m snapped him ou

at I'm trying to say is.

m went

of you my boy”

t'll be possible” king

e see her?" Cedric

” aurora nervously walked in

” the King sa

e Prince was standin

ajesty” she refe

he referred to the queen t

autiful” Queen Rodney complim

u, your h

ng as he kept on looking at auro

e her?” he asked sternly and all eyes

he king acting this way? Does he despise comm

d kind to me even when she didn't know I was the prince, so I love her for that” he ans

aid keeping a

s named Aurora” he declared

mething about an ancient tale in the lib

l continue tomorrow, so he left the library. On his way to hi

amn mice agai

when he looked down he flinched as h

are awake at this

library” he said and chuckled while she

Queen Elizabeth, it's late you s

il, I have a question

at his face, he wondered who was in his room that opened the curtai

shes and rub his eyes.

n?” he asked as

ra, she's not a princess but a

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