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Mysterious encounter with the alpha

Chapter 3 03

Word Count: 1333    |    Released on: 20/05/2022

to me as if it were an achievement. Maybe you could go to this cente

human has a different taste, so if you find a vampire who likes your "scent", you can extort money from him as long as he drinks your jugular. However if I am willing to do many things for money, I refuse to se

e another one

lyer that he always gives me, that kind of thing

tion but our manager calls him. Sam waves goodbye to me, knowing he'll be gone fo

time rolling in a ball on a sea

to help me reach my goal faster. In addition to these two regular jobs, I also do a few extras here and there. I'm a master at finding good deals. F

I wonder for a long time about the ease with which I made the brown man bend his knee. Then, like every ti

ng when I get home. A small

very low, not to mention that I only need a place to sleep and a place to store my meager possessions. Besides, as so

that doesn't make me money.

ush just as my companions, alerted by

in their eyes all the evil that the three species have done to them. I just

not wait and throw themselves on it. I don't

t ones by petting them so that others can eat. I soon

me enough yet, even though he comes closer and closer. I think he is a great model, however he is so discreet that I am not sure. For the moment I leave some bowls at

, but the pack around me has already changed its behavior. Some have moved away a l

m not afraid of canines, I know that as long as I give him the chance to run away, he has no reason t

f me with his head down. I knew he would be big, but not exactly how big! When he goes around me to smell me better,

e his flanks and thighs are streaked with scars. He can hardly stand on his feet, he must not have eaten his fill

be at my eye level. His steel blue irises make me miss several heartbea

austion. As delicately as possible, I stretch my hand towards his muzzle so that he feels it, then I make it slide on

huge. I know more than one man in New York who hopes to crossbreed them with Bull-mas

r it comes from, it'

nder how much room I have. It doesn't have a

paw, as big as my arm, he tries to hold me down, but he lacks strength. I p

my littl

my can as well as my empty bag, then I shift a little more backwards. At first he hesitates, then he moves forward

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