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Word Count: 2309    |    Released on: 13/05/2022

a mask told them to get out of the carriage. The rope on their feet was l

already out, lo

base?" He tho

nts with a campfire on his right. The area was also fi

look like some kind

Someone kicked

hen locked up inside it. Not only both of them were there but several other kidnapped people

want to do with us?" A

has been eavesd

to sell us or kill us for our or


g from us..." Aries co

still not helpful. A moment later, two maske

adults around him. Which means he and Aries were one too.

as really obvious that they were l

ey are looking for stellar use

d hidden her emblem elsewhere. After the man searched Kairi, he

"Our boss surely will love it. Co


od up and tried to stop the man from taking her away. He kicked the man's leg but was shoc

oes this man we

ne want to rescue the da

did wear a steel plate on his legs so it was obvious who was g

see their heartbroken expression when... Our bo

their boss. Their boss stays in one of th

ou okay?" Ari

h the masked men take pleasure from him by pulling one of his feet while his body was dragge

et Virgo. I wouldn't be in this situation if

lp their future leader. She was not that strong with her star power. She wa

came out of him. Aries's attention was not on Kairi anymor

w big is this guy?! He swallowed his saliva several times before d

ome from the WWF arena. His thick eyebrows and fierce complexion made Kairi label th

eyes shows that he was looking at a rat. The man smiled

Bright Star users. I'm sure am lucky today!" Th

sion went pa

ir life was in danger, Kairi still didn't want her to be harmed. So, he prevente

ed at Kairi. His lips sl

yfriend, little user. Good, good

tent. His body clashed against something hard. Because of this, his

c and was even more anxious w

your boyfriend can

her without hiding his intention to torture Kairi which will also make her get des

My name is Dark Ries, the last person you will

d and tried getting up

uld use it, Dark Ries, who knew the power of all Bright Star users, summoned his power. Th

the shadow but it was unsuccessful because Dark Ries

cused on something glowing coming from Dark Ries' chest. A black emblem wi

em looks

z have one too?" He t

four yea

nd still conscious, he felt someone appear beside him but he had no energy to see that pers

gle bed on which he lay. There's a small table in the middle of the room with two wooden chairs, and a door that like

oached him. It was a man with short spiky black p

?!" The man w

nd to him. His eyes lo

an swayed his palm

and immediately checked

n damage... Might have memory loss

ll get better. I'm sure

know if you still remember your n

ike bathing, changing clothes, and feeding him. But, one day, Rafiz did not come at the

.. R

bit better, was able to speak but not in full sentences yet. H


ootsteps outside the room.

hungry! I brought you dinner!" Rafiz apologised an

res and he saw a glimmer of something hanging around Rafiz's chest. The shape was lik

ow. I promise to be on time from now on." Raf


rply at Kairi with eyes widened. He saw

till stuttered when he wanted

god!" Rafiz runs back to Kairi's bed. He expressed

ern. He slowly gets better at talking and then walki

hanged as he lived with them and became who he was today. After three years,

ut, I don't care who he is as long as Rafi

delay, he lifted his right leg and kicked Dark Ries's side.

I'm easily fooled, bo

ead. However, his movement stopped

he replied in silence because

Dark Ries then he fell while moaning

Ries' crotch. While he never intended to attack the weakest spot for men before, he had no

e shadows. She kept coughi

o get out of here!" Told

about to run out of the tent, Dark Ries' shadow grabbed their legs, causing them to fal

of sweat from the pain on his member, did not direc

to tell you somet

ri growled while his hands chuck t

know who he is, right? He's..

Aries with a p

ood, he was doomed to die today after

d Dark Ries was destroyed and three sh


to see Kairi was still alive. H

was surprised because he did

d she get

rgo's mind as well as Agi a

ark Ries over ther

! Dark

w turning to the three of them. They were already awar

f them directly?! Dark Ries was known as strong as their second-i

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1 Chapter 1 TROUBLEMAKER2 Chapter 2 TEMPORARY WORKER3 Chapter 3 THE JOURNEY4 Chapter 4 HOPELESS5 Chapter 5 AWAKENING6 Chapter 6 KAIRI'S IDENTITY7 Chapter 7 THE MIND READER8 Chapter 8 DEORC STAR USER9 Chapter 9 KAIRI'S APOLOGIES10 Chapter 10 PREY BECOME PREDATOR11 Chapter 11 RETURN HOME12 Chapter 12 RAFIZ'S ANGER13 Chapter 13 THE PAST14 Chapter 14 THE INTRUDER15 Chapter 15 THE HISTORY16 Chapter 16 THE DECISION17 Chapter 17 ENEMIES ATTACK18 Chapter 18 POWER DISTRIBUTION19 Chapter 19 RETREAT20 Chapter 20 LIE IN WAIT FOR YOU21 Chapter 21 TRUST22 Chapter 22 DIFFERENT ROADS23 Chapter 23 TEST24 Chapter 24 SEPARATED BY ILLUSION25 Chapter 25 RELATIONSHIP26 Chapter 26 THE FINAL TEST (1)27 Chapter 27 THE FINAL TEST (2)28 Chapter 28 THE ARRANGED ROUTES29 Chapter 29 A SPECIAL DAY30 Chapter 30 MAKING THEIR MOVE31 Chapter 31 BROKEN INSIDE32 Chapter 32 THE FIGHT33 Chapter 33 OUR LAST TIME34 Chapter 34 BRACELETS35 Chapter 35 THE CALL36 Chapter 36 EMBLEMS37 Chapter 37 TEST DIFFICULTY38 Chapter 38 WALOXES39 Chapter 39 ZIPHOTENINX40 Chapter 40 DARK HARTINA41 Chapter 41 CONFRONTED DARK REVIER42 Chapter 42 DARK KAGE43 Chapter 43 IT'S TIME44 Chapter 44 HALF45 Chapter 45 FIGHTING DARK HOWLAN46 Chapter 46 ARIES47 Chapter 47 REUNITED (1)48 Chapter 48 REUNITED (2)49 Chapter 49 LYNX AND HYDRA (1)50 Chapter 50 LYNX AND HYDRA (2)51 Chapter 51 BLOOD RITUAL52 Chapter 52 MEMORIES (1)53 Chapter 53 MEMORIES (2)54 Chapter 54 A NEW FAMILY MEMBER55 Chapter 55 THE RUSILAC BEAST56 Chapter 56 CHOSEN ONE57 Chapter 57 ESCAPED58 Chapter 58 THE EMBLEM'S MONSTERS59 Chapter 59 STELLAR SPIRITS60 Chapter 60 HYDRA61 Chapter 61 ASKING FORGIVENESS62 Chapter 62 DARK REAMMUT (1)63 Chapter 63 DARK REAMMUT (2)64 Chapter 64 CARING65 Chapter 65 CHANGES IN WAR66 Chapter 66 HELL'S PORTAL67 Chapter 67 TIME DOMAIN68 Chapter 68 RETURN TO THE PAST69 Chapter 69 ONE MORE CHANCE70 Chapter 70 ORDERS TO LEAVE THE BATTLEFIELD71 Chapter 71 DARK CHRONOS TRUE IDENTITY72 Chapter 72 STILL WEAK73 Chapter 73 GROUPING74 Chapter 74 CONFESSION75 Chapter 75 STILL ALIVE76 Chapter 76 BLACK MONSTER77 Chapter 77 ECONIA78 Chapter 78 BETRAYAL79 Chapter 79 WIND'S MESSAGE80 Chapter 80 CITY OF HIGH TECHNOLOGIES81 Chapter 81 SEA MONSTERS (1)82 Chapter 82 SEA MONSTERS (2)83 Chapter 83 PROPOSAL TURN TO TRAGEDY84 Chapter 84 GUILT AND HATE85 Chapter 85 ANGELOTE86 Chapter 86 PARENT87 Chapter 87 MARRIAGE, RINGS AND GIFT88 Chapter 88 THE MOONGLYPH (1)89 Chapter 89 THE MOONGLYPH (2)90 Chapter 90 THE MOONGLYPH (3)91 Chapter 91 THE TRIO CRISIS92 Chapter 92 HEART93 Chapter 93 FOOLING94 Chapter 94 EMBLEM REALM95 Chapter 95 FEELING IT ONCE MORE96 Chapter 96 DARK SPINCER (1)97 Chapter 97 DARK SPINCER (2)98 Chapter 98 PLANNING99 Chapter 99 PREPARATION100 Chapter 100 EVERYONE BEHAVIOURS (1)