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Pregnant With The Billionaire's Heir

Chapter 5 Episode 5- Honeymoon

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 10/05/2022


icent building. My mother in-law had booked one

own today or do you want me t

r and stepped out. He came down too, brought out the bags

he receptionist saw us approa

aiting for your arrival. Welcome" The lady, grinned. She was dr

se?" Alex said

Please co

't believe this! Is this dumb lady acting as

wed aft

I'm walking beside you right now. It is such a privi

lue jeans and yellow t shirt. He is not even dressed in his usual standard and this lady is al

s Angela and I

ed. Ser

and I will like to take a

You are already pissing off" Ale

! Good

Only the sounds of people chattering

oke, pointing towards a door with "Room

lex walked in, she was about t

r service for now, so good bye" I fir

ry to make me

I heard Alex mut

eautifully decorated with rose flowers and wall

e bed sheet which was fully ins

s going on? Thi

it up and a paper fell from it. I bent down and pick

and seducing" I read alo

ooked up to see Alex staring

y are you

oing to put on tha

ows. " Why? Do y

e you must be dying

I am sure you are the one beh

I do that? You ar

. Not hi

t the stupid dress into the waste basket outside. I re

the wardrobe. I took my towel and night gown and was ab

doing?" I as

irst, you can bat


right, so go si

rately trying to step on my t

is shirt with his eye

ou think yo

f his shirt revealing his muscular

! This is

nger, bringing me back to reality. I swallo

put on y

u?" He whispered and I felt shiver

gets influenced by you doesn't mean I am also like them" I

ared to take my bat

you da

join me if you want to. " He chuc

stop him but

supposed to get in before you" I b

h with me, just let me know. You don't have to pretend" He

this" I snapped as I grumbly wa

week alone with this jerk, I just hop

make him pay, I won't l

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