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The Naughty Campuser

Chapter 4 Scratched Virgin

Word Count: 1534    |    Released on: 02/05/2022

e. He continued coming to our home till I finally gave him the right one. He was so simple, calm and down to earth. Owen knew I liked him and kept on calling me Medlev that chasi

ell different. We shared a few course units thus could coincide during examinations or in strikes. I had whispered to him about my friend who had visited me when fat

ed infections. My father was a hard nut to crack that hearing I was in a relationship would mark the end of my life. He was known for his iron-hand in the village. Every time he went there, he could punish all t

s to hide, fierce. I feared him too. That is why it became difficult to accept Med. My relatives knew the whole information as unveiled to Owen. Father was so bitter for bringing a guy in his room. This was not tr

times he could sit on the veranda and promise each other endless love. Med was so broke that he could not afford taking me out. There was a time I wanted to have him, as in have him for I felt I wanted it but Med could not afford paying for a room. Oh Med!

ught at campus, there was no putting on dresses and skirts. I thought students only ate chips, chaps, chicken, beef only. I thought having a laptop and smartphone were compulsory. I thought there was no writing, or what was I thinking of? Reaching there was a different story. There was no assembly, no monitoring, no late coming, no cleaning, only enjoying, no restrictions on handset

ted to be in first class for ostentation no matter their family background. I curse our secondary school teachers. They advised us to be patient with bodily des

life. As soon as they left, I called Med. I had a roommate then who was in second year who had not reported yet. First year students usually reported first for orientation before the semester resumed. He hopped like a grasshopper to my room. As I started preparing him milk, he came and

. It was so painful that when I saw blood I collapsed. He rushed me to the nearby clinic. Since that day I hated him so much that we never met again for it. We could at times talk however, every

in water where she nearly drowned only to be safe in a certain guy's hands. He rescued her with a kiss of life. She felt it. She wanted more. He asked her whether she wanted to learn how to swim. It was obvious. He took her from many people and kicked of

d lips were covered with a masking tape then dropped into a certain room. Here they threaten to kill her if she ever betrayed them. Her eyes were uncovered. They started singing their own composed uncouth Hall anthems then ordered to undress. She was advised to keep calm for if she tried to resist, it would throb. They threw away their clothes. A box of condoms was unveiled. She started to

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