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Chapter 4 Sun's path

Word Count: 1335    |    Released on: 27/04/2022


always meant the same thing: socializing. No one wondered whether I truly wanted

company is way better than being in a crowd of people who don't know you enough. It was fun playing with mum and dad though, they were starting to complain that I wasn’

e intentionally kicking up dust in my face. There was enough space on the field for them to run across, yet they ran right past me and I was beyond irritated by them. The chances of me even trying to speak to t

had warned me not to touch any of the plants because there was no way I could know the poisonous ones and the ones I could touch. To be safe, it was better I stayed away from all of them. I nodded when he said it. Not like I had

oughing just like I had the past few times. I looked in thei

want t

looked odd. His body was larger than I was used to and his eyes were grey, and almost rare oddity like m

he was and kept their eyes down. I felt bad for them and hoped they weren't shy becaus

s said with a smile that revealed space

onse, sparing the other kids a fair distance

moments ago and I need a cou

spoke to the

n extra limb. “Yes. Wasn’t that ho

attitude that pulled me further in. Also, he looked smart enou

th,” Another girl with straight black hair too, not as dark as Ase’s, she also had spaced teeth, “a

and waved the way mum ta

y said, with t

dn’t exactly see them from my bedroom at home, but the idea that I was popular even though I hadn’t stepped out

xcited to play something other than what I was used to. Daimon told us how it was

and hiding in different areas. Feeling excited, I ran too only to get cut short when a body

you out

othered me all day. I didn’t even know what to say to him

asked, stepping in be

What is your business with t

I held her in return. “She’s not a w

e had, almost like they were protecting me. Daimon touched my arm and

g. I’m sorry.” He said, his eyes losing th

man looked upset they were fighting and I soon realized his son had been the one to push me. He scolded

wncast and their heads lowered. “We

hadn’t expected. I reached towards them, pulling them and hugging them. My ‘thank yous’ wer

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