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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1476    |    Released on: 30/04/2022


Salamat woke up to the sound

r praying, she moved close to her dressing mirror, opene

f the dressing mirror and sta

ly if we open our ey

ll of ups

lenges, full

r and we live to

are what makes us ex

ould not stop

ght to make

of time and it

e a mountain, big, st

or sand will

rd, for the g

he writes majorly as a form of motivation. He

writing is a hobby that dev

rs out her heart by writing to replace the missing attention and companion that sh

and closed the diary. She put her diary a

directly above her head while stretch

oom to take a piss, then took her to

kfast. She toasted some bread, made scrambled eggs w

went to knock on her parent's door. She knocked twice and got

oom was actually in a mess because their

parent's bedroom. Her mum who was hardly around doesn't have the time for cl

d to help clean it

10:00 pm daily and at times 11 pm. That was one of the reasons why she hardly stay

y see each other for

ugh counseling but her dad who had little knowledge tried the counseling session.

signified. The use of the internet was what guided her through and then a week after, a topic on mens

ediary then told her mum but

ther ashamed of bringing up the topic or perhaps was no

ng soundly on the bed but her

be late for work today,

to the bed and t

st 7 am already, you are g

eet your mother early in the morning in your father's

at sm

mummy", Salamat

was your night? I hope you s

freshen up or else you will be late

Oh, I get it... you want to have my husband to yourself righ

owhere today, I called in sick and

on wondering what's with her mother's behavio

s dad?"Salamat asked

o you even care about me?", she asked her

nt to know where your old husban

come closer. When she was close enough, she stood up and e

silent before M

e back in the next 3 hours or so. He went to the office to clear some files an

my", Sal

your interest and future. I know I haven't been a good mother to you. But from now onward, I want you to be free to discuss anything with me. Don't hide anything from me please because I am your mo

did th

hat we are humans. As humans, we are not perfect and we are bound to make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we try to adjust so as not to make such mistakes again and that is proof that we are growing. Just like I always say 'No amount of sand can ever move a mountain, so be lik

if you want to behave like one then I think you

idst her tears and

woman", Mrs

y, you said dad will soon be back, does t

breakfast, it seems your old man is not coming back an

ossible", s

ere was a hor

mat said, wide

said anything, remember we are now partners i

, said Salamat, br

.Oops sorry woman

other and went out

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