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A Mafia's Possession

Chapter 6 "Conspiracies"

Word Count: 1299    |    Released on: 04/04/2022


as heard on

rse reply from the Do

tudy room and was greeted by the smoke from a

l, not daring to face the Don or complain about the foggy cigar smo

the young man easily deciphered the Don m

rov, was as

he had to take the seat following the passing

e of his voice were capable o

there son?"He growl

s father, drawing out a

with frosty green eyes, dirty blonde hair

news"he si

e wickedly, his ears twi

axim said wit

hitting his fists repea

back. When did you get

spotted in the airport with her"Maxim said as he dro

napshots, eyes scanning the pictures that wer

. The bastard covere

em boss. We know h

and flopped his head on his chair

for way too long. Now we will ignit

tatively stated to the five men

ten them. Slaughter a scapegoat and make sure those goods must pass through

ore putting back his ciga

s son, his cold lips

for my bullets t

caught their attention and i

n the door and happily walk

d him by the neck, planting multipl

e?"Ivan asked, his tone soft

her, his late wife's features; her dishevelled and

My internship program is complete so I came

m and nudged him on his shoulder. "What

ome gift. By the way what are you two discussing?"Ali

was her brothe

n and she exhaled, s

I mean Raphael wasn't even the one that hurt us. His grand

father barked whic

ans. Your grandfather just wanted peace. He wanted to strike a marriage alliance with Armani. But what did Armani do? He stabbed him in the back. Both literally and figuratively! He killed my father and my only brother. Your

ok her head, her mouth slightly ajar as hi

tled. I swore on their graves that I would avenge their death and

o do son"Ivan gr

tside the room. He sauntered towards

ughter before his face wa

been sparked. Come out of your hiding place and

* *

or to Thomas' office to his surpri

lady standing in front of

want Leila?"H

ther woman from God knows where and bring her as his wife

d and leaned b

in front of him and brought out

ted with his chin

o shoot Nic

furrowed eye brows hintin

u mocki

to your problem. If you have the

ed with anger, h

lans. Did you actually think by giving Raphael your body, he would accept you a

t my life on the line countless times for him. Only for him to come back with a total for

lass of liquor on his ta

n you began sleeping with him. He only loves Nicole. Don't do anything that you wo

e last frosty glare

er everything I did for you. You belong to me. And as for y

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1 Chapter 1 "New beginnings"2 Chapter 2 "Meeting the family"3 Chapter 3 "Trouble Brewing"4 Chapter 4 "No one dares Me!"5 Chapter 5 "Surprising Her"6 Chapter 6 "Conspiracies"7 Chapter 7 "Love and light"8 Chapter 8 "Meeting the Godfather"9 Chapter 9 "A frenzy of Panic"10 Chapter 10 "I love you Nicole"11 Chapter 11 "Discovering the Safe"12 Chapter 12 "Oh Lord! Sweet Pleasure"13 Chapter 13 Will it or will it not 14 Chapter 14 "Duty calls"15 Chapter 15 "When Devils Meet"16 Chapter 16 "Time and unforeseen occurrences"17 Chapter 17 "Scream Nicole! You are Mine!"18 Chapter 18 "The Accident"19 Chapter 19 "Fears"20 Chapter 20 "Hell hath no fury"21 Chapter 21 "She's alive!"22 Chapter 22 "The Devils You Know"23 Chapter 23 "Watch Your Back"24 Chapter 24 "An Enemy In The Shadows"25 Chapter 25 "Unsettling thoughts"26 Chapter 26 "Plots, Love and War"27 Chapter 27 "The flashdrive"28 Chapter 28 "Duty Calls"29 Chapter 29 "Scandals cooking"30 Chapter 30 "I still love you"31 Chapter 31 Enemies Had Come To Play32 Chapter 32 Uncovering The Mystery33 Chapter 33 Foggy plots and twists34 Chapter 34 A wedding 35 Chapter 35 Welcome to Mexico 36 Chapter 36 When there's smoke, then there's fire 37 Chapter 37 Deadly assassins 38 Chapter 38 Betrayals39 Chapter 39 Welcome to Havana 40 Chapter 40 Meeting the Garcìas41 Chapter 41 Mum 42 Chapter 42 All is not as it seems43 Chapter 43 An imposter 44 Chapter 44 Blood in a wedding 45 Chapter 45 Guns and Blood46 Chapter 46 Grief in the Air47 Chapter 47 A visit to a priest and a drug Lord 48 Chapter 48 Fears and Death49 Chapter 49 A trip back to Hell