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Insane Desire

Chapter 5Ā Old and Streamy

Word Count: 2623 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 07/04/2022


n, we have a sort of silent...talk. He k

pills as me. But here Tendon is, sitting in front of

prescriptions added to your list, after the d

ink they're jus

Swallowing them is the most obvious thing that pops into my head, but of cou

ert my gaze from him and look around at the doctors surroundi

look for, you can see their flickering eyes wandering around the

for an


p, a questioning look in his eyes. I make a shoving motion w

tle, we count

r pills off of the table. The cups go clattering

ediately drawn to us, and t

own and shove the pi

e that's goi

up the stairs to my-our- room. The minute we get

I close my eyes and pu

he is fo

s not


ays, slightly out of breath

hear him coming closer, but I wave h

y head and he see


the bedsprings as

" He says, and

mart, I'll g

don gets up and starts pacing. Lifting my

frazzled to

ments are ma

ow and throw it at him, hit

We have a stare down for a few seconds and then his

and runs a hand

nd gradually let myself fall asleep. Hopefu



gotta ge

t of me, he's looking at me

wouldn't blame him, because of my appearance. I know

p off of the bus, standing on the s

ome on." A woman calls my nam

the people f

nd starts pulling me in some direction. As much as

her brisk pace, I don't

s a hospital. Immediately, I freeze,

nd I follow unwillingly. She practica

iting room, a nurse rushes

ed in blood-" the lady starts telling the nurse what she sa

restrained shock. I guess it's not every day

their proble

. It's ok." The nurse takes my hand from

urs?" She asks, and when I

k door, and Anna pushes it

psychologist's o

of pills, appointments

ke, breath


asks, and I can hear the e

k over at him, a

So, I start holding my breath to calm my heart d

it's ok. Nothing's going to happen, I'm here, it's ok." He soothes, and I can see

my surprise, it actually helps. My heart is sti

w. Nightmare I suppose?"

airs... you're

back until my back is touching the wa

going to get food


but eventually Tedon is back in

e dumps all of the food out. I look at it all,

ng the truth. But still, I watch as he eats an apple, and when

my bed, and then

don puts the food back in the bag, and then hides it

s that the people gave me. Heading out of the room, I go down th


into the hall. Instead of going back to my room, I walk

stairs and

hallway up here, is that it isn't just

nt rooms. The doctors don't know about it because the lights

alking about how they've heard ghos

's only the wind coming thr

ws aren't all there. The glass has been broken during storms an

ndows, even though there are bars block

s long as I'm able to at leas

from one of the windows, I sink down to the gr

hey gave me over my head, I look

the rain outside, and the wi

h, I hear

d to run, I wait for whoeve

light darkness, and takes

sn't bother to say anything,

lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes

h, because eventually Tedon is

get sick. Come on, get up." I can feel his breath on m

t a little

es shoot wide open. Biting my lip, I move into a kneeling pos

the hallway towards our cell. As soon as we step in, the doo

d fuc

y elbows, so I'm staring at the wall. Suddenly, Tedon's face

anything...I was just wondering what you were st

d you

nd moves back to his bed. I flip over and turn on my

of obvious. He was lying down, with his arms under hi

me staring, he tensed up everywh

over and pull the blanket up over me. I hear him rustling aro

tops, and I start drifting off. I f

For some reason they don't open the doors unless both of us are awake at the sa

es up, and lies t

. As soon as he sits up, the door opens and I walk out into the

to look at him. With a 'what

cheeks get a little red. I smirk and turn

sort of war, doesn't mean that I won't


ough the cafeteria, to the door to the kitchen. I burst in, surprising a f

uck themselves. I'

the cafeteria. We go to our usual table and sit down. He sits across fr

ase..." he

de him...ahem...hard, but that's oka

s and I look up at him and roll m

to happen. It just...did..." He doesn't look at

nts he starts ea


d he stays on the opposite side of the hallway from

m on the other. He's staring down a

silently sigh, and look towards the door. Eventually he lo

s narrow, but I go in firs

sits on his, fac

going to be lik

t one of the small books I stole from one of my psychiatrist's offices. Lyin


out of my reverie and I look over a

you Lucy?" I nod just

y Lu

gain for a while, until

to get out of this place. There's som

eaves it


ly patients do agains

mn lot, th

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