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Julie and her wife

Chapter 2 Julie's worst fear

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 08/05/2022

Julie stop lying to your self, in your heart I know you enjoyed the kiss. Please Amanda you need to stop this. Julie said. They all ate dinner and both went to their rooms. That night made Julie thin

lept at her house? I wander how you connect with Amanda, she's always quiet, and you? you are the opposite of her. Anyway you will pass through what you are going through. God will bless you with an amazing man who is better than your x husband. Julie felt guilty for her feeling, toward Amanda. I think I need to un park my bags, said Julie. Then she entered her room and started to un park her clothes. she found peace piece of paper and it had some things written on it. Am very sorry Julie , i have written this piece of paper to tell you what i feel i can't handle this any more, i couldn't tell you how i feel but, am a cowered and that was because i didn't know how you would react when you learn the truth that i love you. I have fallen for you dear and to make things bad for me, you slept at my house. And i couldn't resist you, that's why i kissed you and am very sorry i hope you can for give me, and i hope you don't cut off our friendship because of that kiss, and my confession on how i feel about you. And if you don't feel the same, please don't judge me. and please don't cut off our friend ship. I have kept these feelings for so long, when you called me to pick you up I thought i have won a lottery, Am really sorry for putting you in that situation , i love you, and if you feel the same way please meet me at our meeting point. Amanda wrote. After Julie finished to read those wards , she stated to cry. How can i feel this way , what have i become like this.

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