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Chapter 2 Little Argument

Word Count: 1712    |    Released on: 22/03/2022



, each pose she stops with shows her sexy curve, even her hair is flying

like I want y

like I need y

ry running r

’ll find

find yo

running ru

find yo

l fin

nded the dance w

” Christan, her m

it?” Bella

t Tom, he’s good at editing I’m sure he’ll fix it in n

io yet till I say so okay, i

nd dancers while Bella entered her special room

commoners, she put on her nose mask and hoodie with her


t yelled, ente

es of chicken

he immediately looked up and anyone that

ish eyes,

nose, sh

lips, s

oking face,

rvy figure,

wless skin

too beautif

ready” Nina replied, cleani

hottie I’ll be servi

oup with the wooden spoon she’s holdi

lates again

dict repli

erved the chicken soup insi

led, she collected th

with Nelson, her elder brother he’s 18 also with her mom,

just doing some part-time job to save money. Bened

around so you’ll grab customers attention” Pi

” Nina bow

ng my restaurant” madam

n her disguised so one would recognize

ng at how Nina walk aroun

autiful” Bella smiled,

aurant and watching the

t you?” Nina asked,

sounds angelic


e lemon juice

d and lef

’s my second sister” Bella though

back with it, she dropped i

ice and sipped a

ute” she gu


f the car aguring about som

sabella asked, from the k

of his health, he agreed to make the flyers

d make it togeth

make over hundred copies of tha

ne it’s my problem

garine the doctor said you s

ex replied without waiting he wen

ay something?” L

ther but if that’s what he wants to

ou cooking and not t

, I wanna cook for him myself and go sh

shurgged and ru

ady finished working but accompanie

nedict kept picking junks while Ni

finished shopping, she gave

edict shurgged

don’t wanna ge

ed and widened her eyes as if

day when I went to t


high student

diately and her face b

” She asked, she likes that sch

me I guess, if you see their

met Nelson on the couch, pl

ome” Nina

ied, not taking his eyes

mom?” S

game I swear I’ll hit you” he replied

n the couch, she began cheerin

ned and Beck

k” she a

elson greeted, not ta

from the couch and

mother properly, whe

I’m in the last level I must win this” Nelson

eamed, she rus

y?” She asked, o

cook the noddles I’ll be

t are we, animals?” Nelson sq

him and went to

!!” Nelso


Beijing airport, it opened a

appy babe?

hunny” she smil

ered the maids to clean the mansion yesterday” he

aleb had been helping him run it, he called hi

La Voiture Noire stopped at their fro

back boss

an’t you see me!

, welcome back”

a’s waist and they both stepped in while their b

me they


something in the senior class and the

lips and looking at Ale

dsome” she g

the principal said. They’ll be a scholarship exam which mea

even think of coming in my way” Camilla replied, she

ouse are you i

e stood up and went to Luna

with a smile while

’s a party going on at Morgan’s h

you!, Stop trying to be friends w

o harm” Camil

me cause you wanna get closer to Alex well let me burst

ed, she raised her hands to

p trying”

what I don’t need your help anymore with the help of my beauty I’l

ffed, she faced her friends and


she gritted her teeth and turned to the woman that said tha

ard got that?” She ye

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