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Playboy : Hold Me Tight, Stepbrother

Chapter 5 SO EXCITED

Word Count: 964    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

h means you're not

ant a fight with

t you, flat chest

e doesn't like it when so

stel into something else. As it is now, we have a watermelon and an

after them. Angelica and I were laughing. This hostel is so hilarious and the thought of me leaving here one day was terrifying. I

r knew about it and he knows that Mrs Rose will watch over me and I also think he probably just wants me to learn new things from people older than me.

him. He hugged me back and greeted the others as well and they also did the same too. We both

ully. I was overjoyed to see him,

ill you tell me t

e's something I want to say to you, and I just wanted to let you know because you're part of the family as well.' he state

ould I put th

wrong, Nicolas

ave a fiance, Lucia.' He said and stared at me and I screamed so loud

has it bee

ar and six mont

tell me you wer

and looked like a love sick fool. No! Don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to say that he's madly in love with this lady, and I can't wait


ions bro?' I

u, Lucia,

me," I cheerf

d like to sel

? That house was our sole residence; it was where we went and wh

ith a fresh start and a new environment will be beneficial. I just want a new place, new neighbors who don't know who I am,' he patted my head and said. "You'r

worries. He's right, it was high time we changed into a

ou, Nicolas. I'm happ

and he even got an A+. So, you can see how brilliant he is, and you're going to stay with him.' He said, and h

othing bad happens between you and Gérard. He's not the type of man you'll want to be with unless you're very careful.' he s

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