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My Devil is a Beautiful Female

Chapter 5 Farewell

Word Count: 1170    |    Released on: 19/03/2022

"Two more days till 'Pa

k and gives an e

it will all begin. The start of our jou

says, "What Do you think Takagi? Are

I Don't know about you, but I am definitely strong enough

chairs. Atsushi enters the r

call us here?" Ta

s with Takag

ushi Sho, I served the world government as a dog for almost 50 years of my life a

is again?" Roy ask

hard work always pay

spected as someone great. So, you guys have to work hard and make us proud. And also make your na

Both Takagi

, they start off as Rookies" A

ter Rookie

ist, Chief Sargent, General, Divine Commander,

me King!"

person alive! The one who r


s room, layi

Roy thinks inwardly with a sad expression while looking at the ceiling. 'I should sl

eep. But for some unknown reason,

conscious training space. Roy comes down and lands on the ground that is co

thinks out loud. Roy starts

n the ground. Around her is a magic circle,

there with his

n the ground is beautiful! She looks like

irl but when he tries to get closer s

was that?"

s her eyes. Roy's head

in?!" Roy screa


ked aura?!' Atsushi sa

the direction of Roy's room. So, he goes to R

k* *K

am com


door and sees Roy

bbly voice. Roy's whole body was covered i

and thinks to himself,

leaving, "Sleep, it's already late.

." Ro

ext m

are of yourself

." Atushi says and continues while looking a

hy?" Ro


ure he is sad about leaving."

m not."

says, "You're not sad a

y says. Roy blushes a little when he feel

hug and says, "I

touching me!' Roy

nna miss you t

ck. She releases the hug

y something but he gets interrupted

says, "Please be safe

den. He nods an

hen." Roy says in

s fast as he can as if he

watch the whole scene wi

pened...?" Atsushi sa


akagi are

ppened earlier bot

ly. 'Sa-Saika kissed me.' Roy blushes a

ss between them. "S-so, do you t

t he controls himself and says, "Of course. You better hope that you don


?" Roy


kiss her." Roy sa

ust glar

ust keep on walking without

hear a voice

it for m

Kento!" T

is hair is also blue, he is wearing a teal-colored shirt,

o start talking

e Roy as if he

a carriage. The carriage is medium-sized. But big enou

et in!"

Be Con

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