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Lu Joaker: Selene-Alpha

Chapter 4 Second life {pig}

Word Count: 1679    |    Released on: 07/03/2022

o! Please don't leave me." Her glutinous tone with traces of sorrow caused the two adults to feel pity. The

has become scarce. Here, have this to e

er, (pig

low look. He reached out an

their pen the two outside stripped and shifted into their beast form. The tusk of father was curved over a meter in length and a quarter thick. The

led before t

n 'row'. Walking deeper in the pen,

ht each other for food. Looking at the piece leftover, I looked over and snatched it and quickly chewed and

e is

't hav

s wide, pale cheeks turning a blushing pink in frustrated

ding red. I shivered, trying to hold back the nervous laug

piglet slammed into me, forcing me to fall on my back. I gritted my teeth from the p

r for something that

Get off

h a young age. The bow, who was on top of me sneered down before stepping back. Sucking in a much-needed breath, I refused t

ation. Why should she eat whe

hile the other who appeared is called Dron, the son of the High boar. Already he is eleven winters able to fend for himself. "Dron, why are you sa

ye-catching, but as a rare single birth; he had all the milk and

release a low, nervous laughter when I caught the scent rapidly approaching. Quickly I stoo

shouting in question. I continued running away without saying a word. "I know you are scared, but I am here. I promised that I would protec-" suddenly a shadow passe

Looking at a tree nearby, I rushed to

tion. My eyes searched for Dron, but he could not be found. I bit

covered in blood a

ome distance, crashing into a tree. There was a crunch

fe K

no f

his muscular furred chest. The two brothers sat slightly below him, a signal that they have given in to him proving his strength as the next Alpha. The she-wolves watched filled with excitement. Many of t

g ago, there was a stampede. The pigs have lost their High boar and many capable males. The forest has become restless due to the loss of

As a male who reached his five hundred and sixtieth moon rotatio

enerous as us and will proba

gs will help ke

ell us what you

eaking once he could explain to his sons correc

d to watch on, seeing no need to give their opinion. Their elde

e wolves looped away, di


ntical in color, were stark in contrast within the forest, their towering forms standing over four meters tall, mighty compared to even the largest boar towering three and a half meters. The forest, which usually had a pleasant underlying scent was filled with death and decay. The once beautiful thriv

wolves with twin tails continued forward. Their eyes focused ahead while the tri

the sounds of the toads, birds and

a sire, the three, after a full moon, sa

n seeing the destruction up clo

. The Marsh, being the largest territory is ruled by the pigs who had a high Boar as their ruler. To the fore are the wolves, ruled by their alpha and his Selene. T

the pigs. A low whine escaped the mouth of the eldest before

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1 Chapter 1 Before it all began2 Chapter 2 Fallen3 Chapter 3 Another chance at life4 Chapter 4 Second life {pig}5 Chapter 5 Unable to understand6 Chapter 6 What have I become 7 Chapter 7 Guardian 8 Chapter 8 Little pig, little pig... 9 Chapter 9 Pig of luck10 Chapter 10 Shared luck11 Chapter 11 Meeting12 Chapter 12 Sire bond13 Chapter 13 As an enforcer14 Chapter 14 As an enforcer 215 Chapter 15 Alpha Kristian16 Chapter 16 Let us leave17 Chapter 17 As for us 18 Chapter 18 Fated 19 Chapter 19 Dron20 Chapter 20 To live or die21 Chapter 21 Fuse22 Chapter 22 Song of the moon, song of Selene23 Chapter 23 Daughter 24 Chapter 24 Sacrifices have to be made25 Chapter 25 Would they have the luxury to even hate26 Chapter 26 My weakness27 Chapter 27 Main realm gods28 Chapter 28 King Servos29 Chapter 29 King Servos 230 Chapter 30 High King Barakus31 Chapter 31 Excited32 Chapter 32 Why a fairy 33 Chapter 33 Wolf song34 Chapter 34 Ignorant thoughts35 Chapter 35 Her male36 Chapter 36 Weak37 Chapter 37 Annoying38 Chapter 38 Pack history39 Chapter 39 Shadow 240 Chapter 40 Shadow 341 Chapter 41 Shadow42 Chapter 42 Death and decay43 Chapter 43 Once mercy44 Chapter 44 Their saviour 45 Chapter 45 More human than wolf46 Chapter 46 What mercy 47 Chapter 47 Righteous fool48 Chapter 48 Own thoughts49 Chapter 49 Cute little she-wolf50 Chapter 50 Dream world51 Chapter 51 Preparing52 Chapter 52 Dryads 53 Chapter 53 Dryads254 Chapter 54 Dryads 355 Chapter 55 Boutique 56 Chapter 56 Strange57 Chapter 57 Madness58 Chapter 58 Elder main god59 Chapter 59 Gathering60 Chapter 60 My beautiful selene61 Chapter 61 Can you hear wolf 62 Chapter 62 Drowning in denial63 Chapter 63 My belief, it has been 64 Chapter 64 What of my mates 65 Chapter 65 Defeated66 Chapter 66 Defeated 267 Chapter 67 Not break her68 Chapter 68 What main god would not want honour and worship 69 Chapter 69 Despair70 Chapter 70 Goddess of light71 Chapter 71 Gaia's thoughts and battle end72 Chapter 72 What am I A failure.. 73 Chapter 73 May be I will be engulfed by madness74 Chapter 74 Weaker75 Chapter 75 Terror76 Chapter 76 I love you77 Chapter 77 Lovis that 78 Chapter 78 She can only say she tried79 Chapter 79 A prominent race fell80 Chapter 80 Chasing their beloved81 Chapter 81 I can become a Saint for them82 Chapter 82 What makes you unique83 Chapter 83 In my eyes all lowly beings are the same; disposable. 84 Chapter 84 The four forms85 Chapter 85 The price to serve me and live86 Chapter 86 The story of the first wolf goddess 87 Chapter 87 God of interest88 Chapter 88 God of interest 289 Chapter 89 Then find me! Find us! Claim us!