The Pastor's Son
him seated at his desk with his Bible open before him. As Walter seated h
a little talk wi
ich is in regard to that saying of Jesus Christ-'ye shall know the truth and the
s time the principle of mathematics existed and was correct, but man knew it not. Now father, imagine how great and widespread this mistake would become in several thousands of years, and how hard it would be to convince the people of their mistake, especially the professor of mathematics who had devoted a lifetime to proving that this mistake was the truth. You can readily see it would be much easier for the child who had never learned or believed in the mistake to grasp this truth than the professor who believed that the mistake was correct. Supposing that while these conditions existed some one should discover the truth, that two times two are four, and would bring it before the world; would not the learned professor ridicule the idea and say two times two have been five since the beginning of the world, and f
y, he would say, because the principle of mathematics isn't correct; he could not say otherwise, as he did not know that the mistake had been made in teaching him that two times two are five. So it is with man, when he gets so deeply in
elief; that God made everything good, consequently there could be no evil, and that evil existed only in belief. If the one who discovered this truth should try to convince the professor of Christianity, the minister, that God made only the good and the evil did not exist, the professor would say, thou blasphemest, God made everything-if he should advance the thought that man was wholly spiritual, the professor would ridicule him, and say you must be mistaken, my body is material. I can feel it, and every man's body has been so since the beginning of the world. If the discoverer insisted that everything was spiritual in reality, these learned professors would say the discoverer was insane, and then try to pass laws prohibiting the teaching of this truth. In olden ti
are at his son; then he said, "Walter do you mean to tell me that you receiv
ith key to the scriptures, by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and by comparing the writings in this book with the Bible, I have become fully convinced that Christian Science, as explained in 'Science and Health' is the same Truth that Jesus Christ taught His disciples. Jesus Christ said, 'These signs shall follow t
ck of the devil to lead you astray? I am very much afraid that you did wrong i
ing the Bible are true, or at least nearer right than the way you were taught
tical idea; now I must insist that you stop reading such nonsense at once, I will admit th
oof that Christian Science is true, and that the signs do follow their teachings. One proof is that i
ould have healed you of consumption! I cre
f the truth this book contains that showed me the way out of my troubles; for
y you found
as afraid to read it, and probably would not have read it if it had n
t? I don't believe I h
she read 'Science and Health' every day, and the reading of the book had healed her of some severe disease. This lady di
alth since Thanksgiving day, but may not this
ink it a good thi
tion, why ce
r of the devil do
d surprised, but
nd a ready answer, after a moment he said, "As I said before, I don't want anything to do with Chr
must speak of
will hear no
her, lis
ou to speak to me o
, I mus
dare dis
speak this once on this subject, and I will agree never to
peaking, every particle of color left his face, and the anger vanished at once. He looked at
sking her for advice regarding my mother's illness and asked her to give mother treatment. I did this without your consent, as I knew how prejudiced you both were regarding this subject, but the practitioner kindly told me she would not treat
will have nothing to do
t; you must be even more p
diced, against a
change your views?" sa
cannot cure her, but Christian Science can." As Walter finished speaking, he arose from his chair and left the room; he immediately proceeded to his own
ught him very narrow, condemning something he knew nothing about, in fact could not be induce
oner when he had told her that he thought he would have trouble in persuading his father to try Christian Science. She said, "Truth has found you and Tr
for." Then he slowly read, aloud, "God, Good, is not the creator of evil." Continuing to soliloquize he said, "Of course not, Go
of 'Science and Health' called 'error,' and when the truth is declared pertaining to any error, that error ceases to exist-for an error can only exist as long as we believe the error to be t
egarding the error of sickness, just in the same proportion did the sickness disappear and the truth or health appear. Health was there all the time, but I thought I was sick, and my believing what I thought made the unreal seem real to me. I see now what that practitioner meant when she said my work was before me. I have another demonstration to make, at least that is what I saw it called in that Christian Science Journal. It means that I must demonstrate the truth rega
lp of the Bible and 'Science and Health,'
g in to see him, as she had been unable to leave her bed for several days, his father had
e and Health,' with key to the scriptures, which nearly every clergyman and professors of all kinds have been ridiculing for the last thirty-five or forty years! Was there really something to Christian Science? Of course not; if there had been, all these learned men who had investigated it would not have denounced it. But maybe they were like me, so prejudiced that they denounced it without investigating. I even preached a sermon opposing it, simply because some one else said it was heretical, and as like as not this person never investigated it any more than I did, but denounced it because some one spoke ill of it to him. Now that I think of it, it was not a very Christian-like act to preach a sermon condemning something I have never looked into. Maybe that is what is the matter with us all; it is the same as sentencing a man without a hearing. I belie