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A world of our own

Chapter 4Ā Sold out

Word Count: 1680 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 01/03/2022

e Cowe

o church everything went on smoothly without anyone realizing am not the real bride, not like I expected my family to be present but it still hurt they

now kiss t

st everyone turn into an uproar fidgeting in the background but Gabrielle held my hand and led me

ing or disrespect towards her so the people responsible for it will have me to contend with, secondly

ng you married your new wife because you

g the one she thought was best for me and since it did not turn out well it's only righ

his mother would have taken the option of calling the wedding off but from

years ago. I did a little research online and trust me the news is not the best but I

home. the wedding reception is just a business deal party for it is composed of only businessmen and women trying to gain a connection with everythin

person I realized it's Gabrielle and realization suddenly hit me for he when missing amongst the crowd r lik

ble state, I turn back and walk towards him taking my sit close to him, I take off my hills and keep my feet in the cold wat

d enough to drink, it's well okay I've got you covered if you want to cry it out your free promise I won't tell, I smile as I tell him he can cry and he returns the smile and to be honest his smile is one in a billion h

help him take off his suit and shoes while he remains in his underwear and pant I heard to the bathroom get a waiting towel, to clean him up so he can sleep comfortably when I return to the room

good it will make you forget how miserab

t is strong which makes me panic, I have never been engaging in sexual activities with any man, I try t

than enough for today, I tried persuading him to

g my best but my failing, can you help me prepare a cold shower I don't want to force yo

s his grief over my waist he hurry up and run a cold bath for him but deep down am worried he will get sick, I come into

e bathroom. I panicked. I became scared something had happened to

be the kind who is into drugs, he can't be into drugs ...no I don't believe it there has to be some other explanation, Gabrielle

y no way... I can't, I won't be able to live with myself if something like that should happen so hurry up leave I can't control mysel

er what's wrong with him .. Gabrielle what's wrong can you please tell me I can

suit have been drugged and it is very strong she must have to spend a fortune to get this kind, so hurry up and leave I will be fine by tomorrow" no I won't lea

eave it's going to hurt and I am not in control of my mind and acts n

n then I will make you l

g with the stories written in books and magazine

nd I step forward to him maintaining eye contact, and from the looks on his face h

in his eyes did not seem right I haven't spent much time with him but his eyes are one of his greatest assets I n

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