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Royal Spirit

Chapter 4 Is This Really my Room

Word Count: 645    |    Released on: 28/02/2022

m; it was huge, beautiful, and extremely modern. The kitchen and the living room for our little shared apartment were huge and ve

ne tall dresser with at least seven drawers, a shorter dresser with four drawers, an ergonomi

n, laying my suitcase on m

y? I heard you gasp a couple of time

about me. How did they know? It's kinda freaky." I responded, taking in the purple polka-dotted bedspread, cat-themed posters and memes along the walls, a fuzzy green rug on t

like. It is supposed to feel welcoming and help your transition, not make you scared or shocked. Most adult vampires are very psychic, to begin with, I thought you knew that. Some of the classes you will take here are about mind-reading and intuition and how to sharpen those skills so you are not overwhelmed. Some are more intu

learn it." I put my head down, blushing from embarrassment. "I don't even know enough about the elements to know which one is my favorite in order to pick which one to study for my minor. I don't really know anything about bei

I always had to focus on surviving and keeping my mom and sister alive. Maybe I'm too weak for any vampire magic to manifest. Maybe I a

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